On January 31 the Montpelier Police Department held its Honor and Awards Banquet, honoring officers efforts. Officers earn certificates and award ribbons according to Montpelier Police Department policy. The banquet highlighted officer accomplishments in 2014 and goals of 2015, as well as specialized awards and a key note speaker.
This year various officers earned ribbons for things like Perfect Attendance, Good Conduct, Safe Driving, Armed Services, Community Service, two officers earned ribbons for Life Saving and one officer earned a Special Commendation. In addition, Chief Dan McGee recognized the Montpelier Police Department Reserve Unit for their dedication to volunteerism and assistance to the full-time staff.
The department also recognized Sandy Gordon of the Village of Montpelier Parks Department with Community Partnership Award, given to those persons or organizations who assist the Montpelier Police Department with helping make Montpelier a better place to live. Mrs. Gordon was recognized for her efforts in helping keep the parks clean and flowers blooming, as well as her dedication and efforts with the parks recreation programs and summer lunch program.
Judge Steven Bird of the Williams Co. Juvenile Court was the key note speaker. Judge Bird was asked to speak on the topic of “Honor” and noted that “police work is one of the more noble and selfless occupations in society” and recited the International Association of Chief’s of Police “Oath of Honor” for officers to hear.