DELTA COUNCIL … Mayor Frank Wilton discusses legislative items on the agenda with council before hearing motions to approve them. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Delta Village Council held their meeting on Monday, February 6th. The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Council first moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on January 23rd, 2023, and Village Services Committee meeting held on December 12th, 2022.
With no public wishing to address council or correspondence needing to be discussed, council moved to hear a report from the village administrator.
Brad Peebles informed council that he had a meeting with the individuals who put together the Worship in the Street event last year.
The plan is that the event will be held again this year and that the group is looking to utilize areas for parking.
Peebles also informed council that the village was notified by the USDA that, given the status of the 2020 census, the village is no longer considered a low to moderate income community.
This change now basically eliminates the possibility the village had to get grants from the USDA.
In regard to the Fernwood Project, a meeting will be held to discuss the viability of the entire project.
A look into the funding of the project will take place as well as if there are any ways to cut cost in order to make the project remain viable due to a grant no longer being available for this project.
Following discussion, council moved to approve a list of invoices as requested by the finance director.
Police Chief Nathan Hartsock then informed council that he will be on the radio this Thursday for the Heart Radioathon.
Council member Shirer then asked council to schedule another village services meeting for March 1st at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting was scheduled for the purpose of water treatment. The following legislative actions were then approved by council.
The third reading of Resolution 23-01 indicating the Village of Delta will provide utilities and other services for the property seeking to be annexed to the village with the filing of petition with the Fulton County Commissioners and declaring an emergency.
The second reading of Resolution 23-02 establishing the Village of Delta Park Board its membership structure and operating guidelines.
The second reading of Resolution 23-03 authorizing the village administrator to dispose of village owned vehicles no longer needed for any municipal purpose.
The first reading of Resolution 23-04 authorizing the village administrator to advertise, accept bids and execute contracts for the resurfacing of Hawthorn Drive and portions of Taylor Street.
Following approval of the legislative items, council member Frank asked if it would make more sense to postpone Resolution 23-04 and use the money for the Fernwood Project.
Peebles stated that, until a better handle is obtained for what is needed with the project, it would be good to continue on with the current projects.
Peebles also stated that work is needed for these roads as well due to their current state.
With no other items to discuss, council moved to enter into executive session.
Following the conclusion of executive session, the meeting was adjourned.
Jacob can be reached at