OFFICIAL THANKS Those that helped make the improvements to the band stands and picnic gazebo downtown were given official thanks by everyone present at the Village of Edgertons November council meeting
By: Anna Wozniak
The Edgerton Village Council held their November meeting on the 16th at 5:30 p.m. Councilors Lance Bowsher, Sharon Blinzler, Pam Wampler, Leslie Vanausdale, Chuck Wallace, and Jason Gruver were present, as were Mayor Robert Day, Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles, Law Director Chris Walker, Administrative Assistant Amanda Knetch, and Fiscal Officer Denise Knetch.
First, council gave thanks to representatives from Big C Lumber and Life Changing Church’s “fight club” worship group.
Allen Hubbell spoke on behalf of Big C Lumber, who donated materials and time to the band stand and picnic gazebo renovation seen in downtown Edgerton.
The labor was mostly provided by the fight club, with Mayor Day sharing that “altogether, they probably saved the village $5,000-$7,000.”
Jeremy Wright, speaking for the fight club, shared that they are just happy to “do God’s work in what ways we can.”
Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles then gave a presentation on what the future budget looks like, taking time to discuss and answer questions.
The main points of the budget presentation made by Fitzcharles included the proposed 2024 village budget, as well as revenues and expenditures for 2023.
The village is expected to have a $16.5 million carryover balance going into 2024, and Fitzcharles also led discussion on plans and projects for various village departments and how they relate to the budget for 2024, explained grants and funding received for projects, and reviewed the village’s overall financial position.
The Wage and Compensation Committee meeting and Finance Committee meeting held on the 8th resulted in the discussion of having an on-call electric department employee, as well as a selection of the village’s wage schedule for the upcoming fiscal year.
Two motions were then carried accepting the resignation of two part-time officers, and Ordinance 1127 (amending the village codes with regards to the auxiliary police unit) was passed on its third reading.
Ordinances 1128, 1129, and 1130 were given their first readings, and Resolution 2023-013 (authorizing the village to participate in the 2023 NPP Power Pool Schedule) was approved.
The next time the Edgerton Village Council is set to meet is Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.