GUEST SPEAKER CHWC Parkview Health of Williams County President Chad Tinkel far right was the guest speaker at the Williams County Mayors Associations November meeting held on the 15th
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Mayors Association met at Shelly’s Diner in Edon at 6:30 p.m. for their November meeting, eager to welcome guest Chad Tinkel after approving the minutes from their October 18, 2023 meeting, financials as presented, and discussing the recent election results.
Mr. Tinkel is the President of CHWC / Parkview Health of Williams County and had come to share the core principles of their health vision statement, as well as how everything is doing recently.
It was shared that Parkview now has 16,338 employees and holds an 86% retention rate. They are working hard to invest in Williams County by providing top notch facilities and care providers, and have expanded their coverage area across Bryan, Archbold, and Montpelier.
With nothing further to address, the Williams County Mayors Association adjourned, set to meet next year on January 17th.