By: Shar Dimick
The educational management information system (EMIS) coordinator gave the Wauseon Board of Education an overview of EMIS.
Jana Leininger began her position as EMIS coordinator in March and is replacing the retiring EMIS coordinator, Marleen Roth. Roth agreed to stay on part-time for the next eleven months to help train Leininger. Leininger said her duties include running Ohio Department of Education (ODE) mid-year, staff, calendar and student reports.
When a new student enters the district, Leininger said that she must report 11 to 19 different codes. This year there were 210 new students of which 148 open enrolled to Wauseon. She said that 128 students open enrolled to other districts (usually to the Pettisville or Pike-Delta-York school districts). She submits the reports to ODE and must make any error corrections within 30 days to ensure proper funding. She said that one of the issues she has is that ODE will re-open reports from prior months and years to request corrections. Treasurer, Karen Dameron, said that the error corrections from prior months and years typically cause funds to be taken back and not the other way around.
Leininger said ODE makes monthly updates to the data that is required and holds training sessions regarding these changes. She said ODE also holds an informational conference for EMIS coordinators that she attended and found helpful. She also stated that the North West Ohio Computer Association (NWOCA) has been an excellent resource and is responsive to her questions.
In other business the board approved/accepted:
•Modifications and supplemental modifications to the FY15 permanent appropriations for the Title III ($516), Title I (-$1332) and Title IIA (-$717) as well as to the FY15 certificate of estimated resources for the same items and amounts.
•Multiple then and now certificates associated with the FFA Banquet as well as for the softball team bonding meal, fleece pullovers and spring yearbook payment,
•The resignation of Brian Pike, agricultural education teacher, Jason Robinson as assistant fall play director and Mary Kate D’Esposito as seventh grade volleyball coach.
•Multiple one-year limited certificated teaching, athletic supplemental and non-athletic supplemental contracts.
•Membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
•An overnight trip for high school band to attend Band Camp from July 26 -30.
In building report highlights:
•Keith Leatherman, high school principal reported that 25 students were inducted into the National Honor Society. He also said that the 57th Annual Freedome Shrine contest was May 5 and Cole Stiriz was selected as the winner with his speech entitled, “20/20 Vision.” Leatherman reported that Megan Whitmer was named Art Student of the Year, Tony Howard was given the Senior Choir Award, Bailey Hardy was awarded the John Philip Sousa Band Award, Ashlyn Boyers and Brooke Hardy were given the Patrick Gilmore Band Award and David Williams was presented the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award. Finally he said that both the boys and girls track teams captured NWOAL league titles and the boys won the their second consecutive NWOAL All-Sports Title.
•Joesph Friess, middle school principal, reported that they had almost 200 students in attendance at the Spring Dance. He also congratulated the students that participated in the Spring Arts Festival. Finally, he said that the Second Annual Awards program will be held May 21.
•Elementary school principal, Theresa Vietmeier, reported that teachers administered the end of year STAR assessments, which monitors student growth. She also said that third through fifth grade benchmark assessment will occur over the next two weeks to assess student progress, guide instruction and provide intervention/acceleration. Additionally, she reported that the Daddy/Daughter Dance has grown and they may need to make adjustments next year due to the huge response.
•Troy Armstrong reported that according to their SLO and STAR assessment data all students made average, above average or most effective growth. He said that award programs will be May 26 for Kindergarten at 2:00 PM and in the classroom for first grade. The second graders will have their awards day on May 29 at 1:45 PM. He also recognized their Junior Achievement Volunteers.
The next board meeting is scheduled for May 28 at 12:00 PM at Wauseon Elementary School.
Shar may be reached at