WASTEWATER SUPERINTENDENT The annual wastewater department report was given by Wastewater Superintendent Wes Wygant and the Bryan City Council and Mayor Schlade thanked him for his hard work
By: Anna Wozniak
The Bryan City Council met on January 16, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Carrie Schlade, City Clerk / Treasurer John Lehner, Council President Mary Leatherman, and Councilors John Betts, Jim Kozumpliik, Richard Hupe, and Stephen Alspaugh.
The agenda was then approved as amended, with council adding it to address impending litigation. The minutes from their January 2, 2024 meeting were then approved as presented, and the financial statements were accepted as presented, with Lehner sharing that the financial statements are now officially current through the end of 2023.
An ordinance was then approved allowing the chief of police to enter into an agreement for seven more cameras, which will double the number of cameras owned by the department.
The third reading of the new Planning and Zoning Code for 2024 was approved as presented, with Mayor Schlade thanking everyone that worked on it for their effort.
A resolution was then approved allowing the street commissioner of Bryan to apply for grants before annual authorization for using online auctioning to sell surplus equipment was also approved.
A donation was then accepted from the Stryker Police Department, which totaled around $2,600 worth of equipment.
Annual authorization was then given to the fire chief, police chief, and city engineer of Bryan to apply for grants with three separate resolutions, and authorization was given to Lehner to advertise bids for the 2024 Asphalt Program, 2024 Pavement Marking Program, 2024 South Myers Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement, and 2024 Street Improvement of East Village Addition in four separate resolutions.
Various donations totaling to $23,550 were then accepted for the Fountain City Amphitheater, with these funds later being appropriated in an ordinance passed on its first reading, after a suspension of the rules, so that donors could be assured that these funds were appropriated directly to the amphitheater fund.
Mayor Schalde then asked for permission to reappoint Jackson Short and Bob Carter to the Planning and Zoning Commission for six-year terms, which was given by council.
The mayor shared that with Rite Aid closing soon, Bryan’s state liquor license will be up for grabs.
Wastewater Superintendent Wes Wygant then gave his annual department report, sharing that Bryan averaged at 1.513 million gallons of water a day, with their total flow coming in at 550.113 gallons.
2.122 million gallons of class B solids were removed from treated water, as were 266.615 tons of Class A bio-solids.
The cost of treatment per gallon averaged $0.004, and the wastewater department is looking forward to the year ahead.
Council thanked the community for their support of the amphitheater, thanked the wastewater superintendent for his presentation, and thanked those that plowed the roads for their commitment to the safety of all of those traveling throughout Bryan with the work put in to keep the snow at bay as the area is whipped by an arctic blast, and thanked the Stryker Police Department for their donation before entering into executive session at 6:09 p.m.