FIVE MORE YEARS Swanton Local School District Superintendent Chris Lake left addresses members of the board of education during Wednesdays board meeting as Treasurer Sheila Horseman right looks on During the meeting the board approved Lakes new five year contract as superintendent
By: Jesse Davis
Swanton students will soon again be able to join an equestrian club, after its use of the school’s name and logos was approved by the Swanton Local School District Board of Education on Wednesday.
The fall sport will not be managed or funded by the school but will be authorized to operate as an official school club following the vote.
The club’s return comes after High School Intervention Specialist Andrea Johns approached the board at its meeting last month.
Club members will be able to compete through the Ohio Interscholastic Horsemanship Association, and will compete against (among others) Anthony Wayne, Napoleon, Wauseon, and Sylvania schools.
The board approved Superintendent Chris Lake’s proposal for the school to participate in the Ohio School Council’s bus bid program. Through the program, the school district is able to get better pricing on buses than they could on their own.
Lake said the district is looking to purchase two new 84-passenger diesel buses. He said they are not going to be looking at propane buses in this purchase due to some upcoming changes to diesel emissions requirements for the vehicles and the fact that there is currently no grant funding available for the propane-operated models. The district currently operates five propane buses.
Lake also pointed out that participating in the bid program does not mean the district is obligated to purchase the buses if they are still unhappy with the price, specifications, or other details.
The board approved the creation of a National Junior Honor Society chapter at Swanton Middle School, following a request initiated by language arts teacher Becky O’Shea at last month’s meeting.
The board approved acceptance of more than $17,000 in donations, including $3,100 from Toledo Saints NW Ohio Basketball and Vince Debo for boys’ basketball, $2,000 from the Swanton Band Boosters for siding for the band building, and $6,222 from the Swanton Athletic Boosters for softball, boys’ basketball student tickets, girls’ basketball student tickets, and wrestling student tickets.
The board approved Lake’s new superintendent contract, effective from August 1 of this year through July 31, 2029.
The next meeting of the Swanton Local School District Board of Education will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 10 at 108 N. Main Street.