WCCT AWARDS … Front row: Angi Scott, Chrissy Herman. Back row: Scottie Miller, Courtney Miller, Crystal Rose Bowers, Cheryl Chapman, Dee Bowers, Amber Simmons, Jeremy Scott, Loni Smith, Kevin Smith, Nathan Maynard.
The Williams County Community Theater (WCCT) on June 22 participated in the Ohio Community Theater Association regional competition in Toledo.
The Production of “Love/Sick” was presented amongst fourteen other Northwest Ohio theaters and was chosen to move on to the state competition, which will be held over Labor Day in Newark, Ohio.
Award winners are: Excellence in Set Design – Crystal Rose Bowers; Excellence in Duet Acting – Loni and Kevin Smith; Excellence in Duet Acting – Amber Simmons and Jeremy Scott; Excellence in Acting – Kevin Smith, Loni Smith, and Jeremy Scott; Merit in Acting – Nathan Maynard and Amber Simmons; Merit in Sound Design- Kimberly Ann Semer; Merit in Directing – Crystal Rose Bowers.
This a great honor for WCCT, who provides our community with the art of “live” theater in a newly renovated facility in downtown Bryan, Ohio.
At this time our Children’s Theater Workshop is going on with 39 in attendance, with shows being August 1, 2, 3, and 4.