By: Shar Dimick
At their August 3 meeting Wauseon City Council approved the Utility Committee’s recommendation to deny Fulton County’s request to connect to the city’s wastewater collection system.
Councilor and Utility committee member Jeff Stiriz reported that Ziad Musallam, Director of the Fulton County Department of Utilities made a request to connect the county buildings, airport and Jensen Bridge on County Road 14 to the city’s sanitary sewer line near the fairgrounds without annexation. If the sewer line were built along County Road J, then the homeowners would likely have the opportunity to tie into the line without being inside the city limits. The Utility Committee recommended denying this request because so much of the new sewer line would be outside the city limits and not annexed by Wauseon. The Utility Committee felt this would set a precedent if approved and were not in favor of it.
In other business:
•Approved the third reading of a resolution authorizing the mayor to transfer four ball diamonds south of Harmon Field to the Wauseon Exempted Village Schools Board of Education. It will be in effect in 30 days.
•Approved the first reading of a resolution authorizing the mayor to advertise for bids for repainting of the water treatment plant’s east clarifier, accept the lowest and best bid and to enter into a contract with the lowest and best bidder.
•Approved the first reading of a resolution to Amend Ordinance 2014-16 Annual Appropriation Ordinance by authorizing the director of finance to increase/decrease certain line account appropriations within the various funds listed within the year of 2015 for the Linfoot St. Engineering project.
•Approved a motion to appropriate $5,000 within the General Fund account entitled Park Supplies and $5,534 within the Sewer Fund Account entitled Sanitary Sewer Supplies for an additional 55-gallon barrel of mosquito spray. Councilor Frey stated usually it lasts for one summer, but this summer it has been unusual.
•David Wright, Regional Planning Director, reported that the two applications (city and county) for Sara’s Garden revolving loan funds were approved and an environment review is now being processed for that project. He also stated they are moving forward on the Downtown Revitalization grant and is working on contract language for building and business owners.
•Keith Torbet, Police Chief, reported that the Citizens Police Academy will be starting on September 17, 2015.
•Tom Hall, Code Administrator gave an update on the Tim Dennis project on Glenwood Ave. He said that Toledo Edison has bored under the street to install the power line Dennis hopes to have power within the week.
•Dennis Richardson, Director of Public Service announced that Jay Bostelman, Public Works Department, received his Water Distribution Class I license and Rob Binkley, Water Treatment Plant, passed his exam and received his Water Operators Class II license. Richardson also reported that the Digester Lid project is substantially complete at the Wastewater Plant. Finally, he stated that they held the preconstruction meeting for the Linfoot St. project and the contractor informed him that they probably won’t get started until October 1, 2015 as the weather pushed them back on their other projects.
•Jamie Giguere, Director of Finance reported that the July tax figures and the year to date financial reports were up 6.8 % from last year. Giguere also reported that she received a letter of retirement from Marsha Grant, Assistant Director of Finance, effective September 30, 2015.
Shar may be reached at