At the Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), we are continuing our efforts to promote no-till and conservation crop farming. The more no-till acres and cover crops we can put in place, the more soil erosion we can prevent, and the more of your time and resources we can help you save.
If you haven’t tried no-till planting for your crops or cover crops, do some research or ask your neighbors who are having success with these practices. This summer or fall may be a great time to start! No-till cover crops and no-till wheat are locally proven practices, and no-till acres are steadily increasing. By saving on both time and fuel, you can make a positive return on your investment, while saving our valuable soils for many generations to come. With lots of prevented planting acres this spring, many of us should be considering planting cover crops this summer and fall. Cover crops on these unplanted acres can make many soil improvements and protect our soils from nutrient loss, and reduce any erosion concerns this fall and winter. With so many cover crop options available there is certainly a crop or variety that can improve your soils.
The Williams SWCD has available for rent two 15’ John Deere 1590 no-till drills. These drills will work great for planting of cover crops, or this year’s wheat crop, offering you the opportunity to try some no-till acres without making a large investment in new machinery. The drills are available to all Williams County farmers and landowners.
We will deliver the drill to your field and help you get started. We can answer your questions and concerns or help you find the right resources if we don’t have the immediate answers. With your tractor (around 90 hp) and our drill, you can start cover cropping and no-tilling this year!
We also have for rent, a Krause “Landsaver” seven shank chisel plow for primary fall tillage which leaves some crop residue on the surface to help protect your soils this winter. Rental charges for the drills are $9 per acre with a $50 minimum. The chisel plow is $5 per acre with a $50 minimum. These charges include delivery and setup.
Call Bert Brown at 419-636-9395 Ext 3 for rental information, questions, and to get your name on the fall drill rental list.