By: Rex Stump
How do we define “family?” We often think of household or ancestry, but the dictionary opens up a group of people united by commonality. Unit. Fellowship.
Has your team ever broken the huddle saying “Family”? Coaches want to develop close teams, that act like a unit, a family, but unfortunately, “family” doesn’t always have a positive connotation.
Even if we define family, we will never be on the same page for how we “feel” about family. We look at pictures, social media, or watch people from a distance and we think, “they have the perfect family.” But do they?
God makes it clear in scripture. Psalm 14:2-3; “The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.
But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one!” There are none righteous. None includes everyone in your family, my family, and the Holiest person you know…and their family!
As I read from the start of the Bible, I find flawed, abusive, dysfunctional, and ungodly actions of some of the biggest Bible names you can find!
Some of their flaws were so catastrophic, that you can still see the pain today! I had to chuckle when I heard someone “gasp” in church when I read 1 Samuel 20:30 aloud (when Saul swore at Jonathan).
Come on…do we really think we have perfect homes where no one raises their voice or says regrettable things to one another?
There are none righteous, no perfect families. Siblings bicker. Children rebel. Spouses fight. Many adults are still living with the wounds of parental abuse and neglect, and many continue the cycle.
You see we live in a broken world, that is full of broken people. Until we understand and honestly assess our situation, we will never seek the best solution!
Where is God in all of this? Is there hope amid the brokenness? In the Bible, God worked through these broken and dysfunctional families to bring about something beautiful. This is what God does.
Out of these broken families the Savior Jesus Christ was born. Praise God, we have a Heavenly father who wants to save us and adopt us into a special family. John 1:12-13 says, “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
They are reborn, not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.”
As a child of God, I have a new heart and a new family. I have brothers and sisters in Christ. I am made right with God, not perfect, but I’m made new. In this new family, my Heavenly Father says, “You used to live that way, but I want you to live a new way.”
Our family systems are broken by sin, but God is faithful to accomplish his purpose and build his kingdom through them. I may be flawed, and I may have a flawed family, but my faith in God through Jesus Christ, gives me a whole new family.
Do I deserve this new family? Absolutely not, but that is the grace of God! Grace is getting what we don’t deserve. I’m not worthy, but by the grace of God, He adopts me into His family.
How about you? Are you part of the family of God? If not, it’s time to join His family! Not sure how…ask me. Check out
Rex Stump is the Area Director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and serves as a Pastor at True North Church in Wauseon, Ohio.