(PRESS RELEASE) – Lake View Church is hosting its 34th Annual Christmas Musical entitled; “Love Came Down At Christmas” – the account of that very first Noel.
The musical includes Christmas Classics, some festive medleys and familiar and heartwarming songs of the season, along with some lighthearted choruses. And, as is the tradition, the 30+ voice choir will conclude with the Hallelujah Chorus!
Come experience and relive the familiar account as if it were brand new! Experience again what began in the heart of God and was expressed through the prophets.
Relive the plan as it unfolded on earth when hardly anyone was ready for it. Realize that the expectations of a Messiah didn’t include commoners as the main characters, an insignificant village as His place of birth, or a cattle stall for His nursery.
Listen again to the unimaginable, almost-too-good-to-be-true account of when Love Came Down At Christmas. This is the account of that very first Noel!
The musical, directed by Mrs. Karen Watt, includes numerous solos and arrangements that will not only warm the heart, but will also challenge the soul and refresh your spirit!
The Rev. Stephen E. Smith and the congregation invite you to attend and encourage you to bring others to join with you!
The presentation of; “Love Came Down At Christmas” will be offered on three different days: Friday, December 13, at 7:00 PM; Saturday, December 14, at 7:00 PM; and Sunday, December 15 at 4:00 PM.
Tickets are FREE and can be obtained by calling the church office at: 517-567-8529, or request them by emailing the church office at, pam@lakeviewch.org.
Lake View Church is located just 1 ½ miles north of Pioneer, Ohio and ½ mile west of M-99 (St. Rt. 15 in Ohio) at 4616 E. Territorial Road, Camden, Michigan.