GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS … Rozetta Luke, Rhonda Opus and Sandy Oberlin.
PRESS RELEASE – President Cam Miller opened the meeting of the Pulaski Garden Club on March 4, 2025, with the Garden Prayer, after which the roll call included describing and showing the early spring flower you brought.
Many said theirs were not blooming, in part due to the cold winter conditions. Those that were shown included snow drops, crocus, and pussy willows.
Twenty-one members responded to roll call with two guests, Carol Knepper and Julianna Ruble. Theresa Beal was welcomed as our newest member. The secretary’s report was dispensed with, and the treasurer’s report was given.
The floral arrangement, entitled “Burpee Catalog” was presented by Rhonda Obus. It included a basket loaded with spring vegetables, flowers, and Burpee seed packets.
Pest of the Month – Cut Worms – was given by Sandy Oberlin. Cut worms are the caterpillar stage of moths. They are brown or gray, about 2 inches long, and sometimes striped or spotted. When disturbed they roll into a tight C.
They feed on flower and vegetable seedling stems cutting off the plant just above the soil in the late afternoon or early evening.
They are active in the spring and lay 100s of eggs in small clusters. Pesticides are not recommended but, removing weeds and grasses before planting helps as well as using compost. An edge of dry soil around the garden can be a deterrent.
Old Business – The Centennial Committee will choose a meeting date at adjournment.
New Business – The meeting date for April was changed from April 1 to April 8, 2025. The Regional Board meeting will be in Wauseon on April 3, 2025, at 11 am. Cam, Kay Beck, Barb Deetz and Joann Beucler will attend.
The regional meeting is May 1, 2025, at St. Marks Church in Bowling Green. Fee, including lunch, is 20$. Be prepared to pay treasurer at our April general meeting. Joyce Mocherman volunteered to bring the raffle prize, and members were encouraged to bring items for the General Store.
Exhibitor and Judges School is June 6 and 7, 2025, in Springfield. Rozetta Luke, Barb Deetz, Regina Partee, Cam Miller and Carol Wheeler plan to attend. Regina will make arrangements for our overnight stay.
Business cards are available from Cam. Members were encouraged to give them to friends and mention our Facebook page for information about the club.
A by-laws committee was formed of Kay Beck, Carol Wheeler, Regina Partee, Cam Miller and Rhonda Obus. Bylaws need revision.
Committee Reports
Regina Partee reported on the 2025 Williams County Fair flower show schedule. The theme for this fall is “Family Game Night.” The Special Specimen for the Horticulture Show is the Marigold. African, French, and French Semi Marigolds are the categories.

Game titles for Floral Design include Twister, Pictionary, Chutes and Ladders, Mirror, Mirror, Jenga, Candyland, Go Fish, Scrabble, Tether Ball and Checkers. Members were delighted with the prospect of planning arrangements to fit these categories. Members of the fair committee were thanked for their efforts.
Rozetta Luke presented the program on Seed Starting and Plant Propagation. She showed examples of rooting in water with geraniums, roses and sweet potatoes. She also rooted geraniums in soil after dipping ends in honey or root hormone.
The honey-dipped survived! Seed starting should include seed starting soil mix, a grow light, and heat mat. Cover the seeds with a very light amount of soil. Trays that include individual pots can be watered from beneath. Be sure to mark your plants.
Garden markers can be used, or a carpenter’s pencil works well and won’t disappear. Place lights very close to soil and increase height as seedling grows. If light is too far away the seedling will get straggly.
The heat mat helps but can be removed after seeds sprout. A new method called the Snail Method was started with onion seeds.
A thin layer of soil with seeds on a flexible plastic was rolled, like a snail or cinnamon roll. Then it is placed in open plastic bag and watered from the top. We are curious to see whether this method is successful.

Door Prize of a chicken-shaped suet and birdseed holder, brought by Deanne Batterson, was won by Kay Beck. The meeting adjourned.
Share and Tell
JoAnne Beucler brought bags of seeds she saved from last summer. Members picked up bags to try at home. The flower is called Lemon Gem and is a French semi marigold. She also offered snowdrops to be dug up at her home sometime in April.
Regina Partee offered to pick up caladium roots for members in Florida. A brochure was circulated.
Hostesses for the meeting were Becky Hill and Kathy Keister.
The next meeting of the Pulaski Garden Club will be April 8, 2025, at 6:30 at Pulaski United Methodist Church.