The Williams County Genealogical Society met November 9, 2015 at the West Annex of the Bryan Public Library. Members were entertained by Pam Lash and Marty Richie who shared their experience from their Washington DC trip.
They left Monday August 17 to Cleveland to join the tour bus, then proceeded to Columbus to pick up more researchers before heading to Pa. They had lunch in Somerset, PA, stopped at the Flight 93 National Memorial north of Shanksville, took an audio tour for those who wanted, then finally headed to Falls Church, VA arriving at the Comfort Inn. Their home for the next 4 days.
They spent all day Tuesday thru Thursday and Friday morning visiting the National Archives, Library of Congress and the Daughters of the American Revolution. They even took a side trip to the Maryland National Archives. The tour bus dropped them off morning and picked them up to return to their lodging each night.
The tour guide, Cynthia Turk, kept them informed about every little detailed to insure their trip was successful. She encouraged them to plan ahead by checking the website of the places they were going to visit to help save time when they arrived. Also it is a must to check out Ancestry AND Fold 3 to acquire all the information you can about your ancestors military information. Even if you did your research ahead your request can be denied because no such record exits or they can’t find it.
At the Library of Congress you must preregister on line at http:/// about one week ahead. If you forget, your registration will take much longer. Just like the National Archives, The Library of Congress most research materials are in closed stacks. If you request a book it may take 1-2 hours to retrieve an item for you. Read more online about retrieving material. This is very important to save you time and frustration later on.
Security was tight at The National Archives and the Library of Congress both going in and coming out.
Before leaving DC on Friday, they stopped at Chinese Place in Zanesville for lunch.
Our next meeting is Monday, December 14, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Harmon Room, West Annex, Bryan Public Library, Bryan, OH.
Come and enjoy a Christmas potluck dinner and with other genealogy friends.
Bring your favorite festive dish to share. Plates, tableware, and coffee will be provided. Bring a friend with you and a story about your family traditions.