“Lighting the Way to Christmas” Memorial Program sponsored by CHWC-Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6th at First Presbyterian Church, 114 West Washington St., Montpelier. The public is invited to attend this annual program for family and friends to honor the memory of deceased loved ones with a special message, reading of the memorial roster and special music.
Serving as master of ceremonies will be Bill Priest with a welcome by Phil Ennen, President/CEO of Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers. Rev. David Tilly from First Presbyterian Church will deliver the memorial message. Rev. Dee Custar will give the invocation and benediction and alternate with Mr. Priest in reading the names of those honored from the memorial roster.
Special music is scheduled by Miranda Harris from House of Prayer in Montpelier. Ned Horton, organist, will provide music for the program’s prelude and postlude.
Members of the Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary are asked to wear their pink smocks. Auxiliary President Joyce Schelling will offer greetings and introductions. Greeters representing the auxiliary will be Marty Brace, Connie Dunseth and Gloria Poorman. Assisting in the dining room and kitchen will be Auxiliary members Jean Young, Ruth Cooley, and Armeda Sawmiller. Auxiliary Treasurer Barb Dietsch will distribute memorial angels.
Those who would like more information to have a departed loved one’s name included in the memorial roster should contact Barb Dietsch (419-485-3229) as soon as possible. Luminaries honoring those on the memorial roster will be lit and displayed during the Christmas season in front of CHWC-Montpelier Hospital.
Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary has also planned its annual Christmas Luncheon and program on Monday, Dec. 14th at 12 noon at First Presbyterian Church. A representative from Sarah’s House will be guest speaker.
Members are encouraged to bring guests and reservations should be made by Dec. 2nd to Barb Dietsch or Joyce Schelling (419-459-4696). All attending are asked to bring a Christmas greeting card for the hospital card shower and also bring non-perishable food items, paper products, cleaning and laundry supplies and/or personal hygiene items instead of a gift exchange. These items will be donated to See & Do Club’s Food Pantry and House of Prayer Food Pantry.
1 Comment
On line it say Sunday, December6 but your flyer says Sunday, December 5