Edon Northwest Local School District is joining other districts across the State of Ohio in designating January 2016 as School Board Recognition Month. In his proclamation issued January 1, Governor John Kasich stated, “The service provided by the members of Ohio’s city, village, local and joint vocational boards of education and educational service centers’ governing boards is critical to ensuring high quality public education for Ohio’s schoolchildren. Through partnership with teachers, school administrators, staff and parents, school board members provide vital leadership and support for schools and we thank you for your service and for the positive difference you make throughout out state.” Serving the Edon Northwest Local School District are Board members, from left: Dave Wehrle (serving since 2014), Jamie Schaffter (serving since 2014), Cody Best (beginning first term), Erin Nester (beginning first term) and Aaron Hake (serving since 2014). The Ohio School Boards Association annually celebrates School Board Recognition Month to build awareness and understanding of the vital function an elected board of education plays in our society. District residents are encouraged to publicly and privately thank board members for their dedicated service to its children and to recognize the important contributions they make to the community.
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