The Republican Committees of Fulton, Henry, and Williams Counties will be hosting Lt. Governor Mary Taylor on Thursday, May 5, 2016. The event will be held at Northwest State Community College, 22600 St. Rt. #34, Archbold, Ohio and will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Mrs. Taylor was sworn in as Ohio’s 65th Lieutenant Governor on January 10, 2011, the same day Governor John Kasich named her to lead CSI – the “Common Sense Initiative” to reform Ohio’s regulatory policies, as well as to serve as the director of the Ohio Department of Insurance.
As a state legislator, Taylor was instrumental in passing Ohio’s 2005 tax reform package that reduced personal income taxes by 21 percent. She was recognized by the United Conservatives of Ohio as a “Watchdog of the Treasury.” The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s largest small-business group, also named Taylor a “Guardian of Small Business” for her outstanding voting record on behalf of Ohio’s small business owners.
Mrs. Taylor has a master’s degree in taxation and has been called an “expert” on state budget issues by the Columbus Dispatch and her hometown newspaper – the Suburbanite – called her one of Summit County’s “most influential women.”
Mrs. Taylor is a life-long resident of northeast Ohio where she lives with her husband and two sons.
Mrs. Sandra Barber, Chair of the Fulton County Republican Committees, said “we are very excited to have the Lt. Governor in Northwest Ohio. She is a strong leader for Ohio and is someone who exemplifies conservative values.”
Ticket price is $20.00 with a meal is included. Tickets may be picked up at Current Office Solutions in Bryan, or by calling (419) 481-2999.