Celebrate spring with a Teen Movie Night at the Wauseon Public Library on Friday, April 22 from 4:45-7:00 p.m. The Teen Movie Night is free and is open to all middle school and high school youth. Since this is an after-hours program, permission slips are needed; so please stop by the library and pick one up today.
Teen Librarian Dan Baldwin invites all teens to enjoy a movie and the library after hours. There will be pizza, snacks, drinks, and fun!
Solve the mystery on Tuesday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. at a special location—AKA Café. The Wauseon Public Library’s Mystery Book Discussion Group will be discussing “Rogue Lawyer” by John Grisham.
According to the book jacket, “On the right side of the law—sort of—Sebastian Rudd is not your typical street lawyer. His office is a customized bulletproof van, complete with Wi-Fi, a bar, a small fridge, and fine leather chairs. He has no firm, no partners, and only one employee: his heavily armed driver, who also so happens to be his bodyguard, law clerk, confidant, and golf caddie. Sebastian drinks small-batch bourbon and carries a gun. He defends people other lawyers won’t go near: a drug-addled, tattooed kid rumored to be in a satanic cult; a vicious crime lord on death row; a homeowner arrested for shooting at a SWAT team that mistakenly invaded his house. Why these clients? Because Sebastian believes everyone is entitled to a fair trial—even if he has to bend the law to secure one.”
The library has ordered copies of the book, so each group member may have one. Please stop by the library, and pick up your copy today.
With the special location and refreshments, there will be a $10 meeting fee.
Have you gotten a new computer, laptop, e-Reader or i-Pad? Do you need help learning the basics? Are you new to the internet? Want to learn how to surf the web, set up an email account, or just want to learn how to put together a resume, cover letter or flyer on the computer?
Then call to reserve a spot at the Wauseon Public Library’s free, one-on-one computer classes on April 27 from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
“These classes offer a wonderful opportunity to learn more about how to use the computer,” shared Library Director Amy Murphy. “We will have staff sit down with you one-on-one and help you learn what you want to learn about the computer, software programs or the internet.”
The lessons are free, but space is limited. Since they are one-on-one classes, please register today for the one-hour segments.
Celebrate spring at the Wauseon Public Library! Randy Nalett, owner of the Blu Bear Nursery, will be returning for an encore gardening workshop on spring planting and gardening. The spring gardening program is scheduled for April 28 at 6:00 p.m.
The program is free and is open to everyone, who has an interest in planting and gardening. Families are welcome to attend together. The workshop is open to beginning gardeners-who just want to get their hands dirty and learn where to start. For more seasoned growers, Randy will also be available for questions and advice.
Librarian and Program Coordinator Connie Fry really wants to thank Randy for returning for a second program. His first one was such a success with over 30 participants that there was an overwhelming demand for another spring gardening program.
For more information or to register for any of these events, please call the Wauseon Public Library at 419-335-6626 or email amurphy@seolibraries.org