By: James Pruitt
The village of Edgerton and Edgerton schools will split the cost for a traffic warrant study for Michigan Avenue and River Street.
This would be the first such study on the same streets in about six to seven years. The hope is the study will justify a light at the intersection for kids walking to school in the morning, coming home in the afternoon and after games.
“(Traffic) is a little worse in the afternoon,” Superintendent Andy Morr said.
Each entity will pay $2,500 for the study. The devices will count vehicles and pedestrians, Morr said.
The most likely date for the study will be the week of Sept. 19. The first phase will be doing the study, while the second will be analyzing the results and seeking grants.
In other news, the school board approved:
A 5-year copier (lease and service) agreement with Current Office Solutions. The bids alone saved the district $5,000 to $6,000 per year on copy costs, Morr said.
The district is now down to five school bus routes. The board should look at a new bus this year, Morr said.
Wood County Juvenile Detention Center and Juvenile Retention Center rates
$64 per day per student assigned to JDC; $68 per day per student assigned to JRC; $50 per student for short-term placement per day for Edgerton students assigned to ALC; $55 per student for long-term placement over 10 days for Edgerton students assigned to ALC.
On-site technical service agreement with NWOCA on an as-needed basis for Allen Hurtig for 2016-17 at $15 per hour.
Personnel recommendations
Dan Davis as certified teacher, junior high school girls basketball coach and summer tech worker.
Robyn Letcher as food service worker.
Evan Kill as a coach.
Approved supplemental contracts
Marchetta Caryer – varsity softball coach
Olivia Schaffner – National Honor Society advisor
Tim Booth- Pep Band and Marching Band
Tracy Rendleman – District mentor coordinator
Lindsey Bever- First year mentor
Jawn Merillat- First year mentor.
Royce Martenies as a four-hour per day food service worker.
Robyn Letcher as an elementary school aide for 7.5 hours per day.
Alisha Bowsher one-year contract as a teacher.
Carrie Mesker as Food Service Director.
Rachelle Rowlinson food service worker for 2.5 hours per day.
Report from Roger Cade, high school/middle school principal
Cade welcomes new staff: Seth Schroeder – junior high science; Nathan Davis -high school mathematics; Tim Booth – music and Alisa Bowsher – intervention specialist 7-12. “Alicia Bowsher is a good fit for us,” Cade said.
Two AP courses, chemistry and biology have been added as well as eighth-grade STEM classes.
Immunization Info from ODE
All incoming seventh-grade students must have their D-TAP immunizations within the first 14 days of school.
New this year, all incoming SENIORS must have two doses of meningococcal (serogroups A, C, W, and Y) vaccine before entry, which is a new requirement from the Ohio Department of Health beginning this school year.
Students need to pay their school fees as soon as possible (junior high = $70 and high school = $85).
•HS- parking lot full with fall sports practice beginning.
•Summer Reading Program – The school once again partnered with the Edgerton Village “Free Lunch” program for all kids needing extra assistance for the third grade reading guarantee or general reading intervention.
•Teachers Mandy Slabaugh, Torrie Saul, Chellie Dietsch, Kasey Binning, and Denise Riehle were thanked “for their hard work and dedication to the 30 students involved in the program this summer.”
•The program finished Aug. 4 with a trip to the Bulldog Cafe’ for ice cream and gave out prizes and T-shirts to the students who participated. Incentives were also awarded for best attendance.
Elementary Enrollment
Primary Kindergarten – 12
All-Day Kindergarten – 41
First Grade – 40
Second Grade – 35
Third Grade – 55
Fourth Grade – 31
Fifth Grade – 41
Sixth Grade – 42
•Google Migration: The district is moving toward all its computers linked to the Google platform.
•Install 2 InFocus Interactive TVs
•80 Chrome Boxes installed in Elementary Classrooms
The next meeting is 7 p.m. Sept. 13.
James Pruitt may be reached at