There were no ordinances or resolutions drawn up or voted upon to get the ball rolling at the February 20 meeting of the Bryan City Council. All that was required was a vote of consent from Council for the kickoff of the Recreation Park Soccer Field Lights Project.
The February 9 Council meeting saw the chair of the Bryan Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Ms. Tami Roushia-Bergman, reading a letter pertaining to a proposed lighting system for the Recreation Park soccer field to members of the Council. She noted that considerable research had been invested into the proposal, along with meetings to discuss the matter with the Bryan Soccer Association, Bryan Municipal Utilities (BMU), the Bryan Fire Chief and the Musco (Sports) Lighting Company, prior to bringing the matter to Council. She also stipulated that if approved, the money needed for the lighting system and its subsequent installation would be raised and paid for by the Bryan Soccer Association. It was advised at the time, that a formal resolution for approval would appear on the agenda at the February 20 meeting of Council.
Ben Dominique, the Director of the Bryan Parks and Recreation Department, reintroduced the measure at the February 20 meeting, but noted that no formal legislative drafts would be presented, nor would they be necessary at the time. As there is no official construction project to be bid out or undertaken, Mr. Dominique stated that all that was needed was the Council approval for the earlier recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. With a unanimous vote and one abstention, that consent was given.
In other actions, under suspended rules of reading, Council approved a resolution allowing the advertising for bids for the Bryan Fire Department Live Fire Training Structure Replacement Project.
Council accepted the resignation of Wastewater Operator II Charles Harrington, and approved the posting of the vacancy created by his retirement. Council approved the hiring of Brett Brown as a Street Department Vehicle Operator Trainee, and also approved the additions of Joyce Walker and Richard Reed to the Community Area Reinvestment (CRA) Board. The CRA program is a direct incentive tax abatement and exemption program benefiting property owners who renovate existing or construct new buildings, and is an effective economic development tool to attract new business to the area.
Prior to adjournment, Council heard the 2016 annual reports of the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Timothy Kays can be reached at