Locos in Action kicked off their 4-H season by holding their first meeting of the year on Saturday, March 18th at the home of club president Seth Snyder.
They started the meeting by saying the pledge of allegiance and the 4-H pledge. The club members were introduced to their newest member Raiden Rezabek. The club members explained to Raiden what it means to be in 4-H and what the 4 H’s stand for (head, hands, heart, and health). Volunteer 4-H advisors for the group are Jim and Joni Engels.
The following officers were elected:
Seth Snyder; President
Kaylee McCaskey- Vice President
Kimme Engles- Treasurer
Lyndsi Engles;-Secretary
Gracie Hardin- Reporter
Raiden Rezabek- Health, Safety, and Recreation Officer
All officers will attend officer training on Thursday April 6th at Montpelier school. Members turned in their enrollment papers and chose their projects. The next meeting of the Locos in Action 4-H club will be held April 1st at 10:00 a.m. at Fountain Park assisted living.