HIGH FIVES RECIPIENT Honored for receiving all 5s during the 2012 2013 Third Nine Week Grading Period at Edon Northwest Elementary School was third grader Allison Kaylor
Edon Northwest Elementary School students were honored at a special BUG ~ BRING UP GRADES Awards Assembly held earlier this month in the high school gymnasium. Hosting the event were Principal Bonnie Troyer and Bryan Kiwanians Deborah Rohrs, Don Rice, Jeff Schaffter and Tom Schweitzer.
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Honorees from grades one through six were recognized for increasing at least one subject grade (while maintaining grades in other areas) during the recently completed Third Nine Week Grading Period. Students were again encouraged to continue this course in hopes of seeing grades improve in several subjects by the end of the school year.
As a reward for achieving their goal, fifty-nine BUG recipients were presented a special award certificate and prizes donated by Burger King and Bryan Kiwanis Club.
In conjunction with the BUG Awards Assembly, the Edon Academic Boosters Club celebrated accomplishments Edon Northwest Elementary School students attained during the Third Nine Week Grading Period as well. Proud honorees received special certificates and “goodie bags” (Awesome Achievers), courtesy of the Booster Club.
The next Edon Elementary Academic Assembly will be held in May following the completion of the Fourth Nine Week Grading Period.
SECOND AND THIRD GRADE AWESOME ACHIEVERS Edon Northwest Elementary Second and Third Grade students honored as Awesome Achievers for receiving all 4s or all 4s and 5s during the 2012 2013 Third Nine Week Grading Period were Front row from left second graders Hannah Kennedy Jack Morris and third graders Jayden Craven Terran Dunbar and Jack Fifer Back row from left third graders Drew Gallehue Cassius Hulbert Ashley Kaylor Carlie Kiess Olivia Mitchell and Ethan SteinkeFOURTH AND FIFTH GRADE AWESOME ACHIEVERS Edon Northwest Elementary Fourth and Fifth Grade students honored as Awesome Achievers for receiving all 4s or all 4s and 5s during the 2012 2013 Third Nine Week Grading Period were Front row from left fourth graders Trinity Altaffer Casey Bonar Abby Frantom Victoria Green and Alyssa Lautzenhiser Middle row from left fourth grader Trey Whitney and fifth graders Riley Bloir Alea Brandt Brooklyn Morris and Aidan Muehlfeld Top row from left fifth graders Melody Nofziger Cameron Siebenaler Connor Skiles Taylor Trausch and Shane ZulchSIXTH GRADE AWESOME ACHIEVERS Edon Northwest Elementary Sixth Grade students honored as Awesome Achievers for receiving all 4s or all 4s and 5s during the 2012 2013 Third Nine Week Grading Period were Front row from left Colin Dulle Reagan Gallehue Faith Livensparger and Jacob Long Back row from left Zoe Neubig Tessa Steinke Hallie Schuller and Chloe Thiel Not pictured ~ Taylor Brown and Rylee KokinisTHIRD AND FOURTH GRADE PERFECT ATTENDANCE Edon Northwest Elementary Third and Fourth Grade Students honored for Perfect Attendance during the 2012 2013 Third Nine Week Grading Period were Front row from left third graders Terran Dunbar Ashley Kaylor Carlie Kiess Lane Reitzel and Kerrin Towers Middle row from left third grader Gage Winebernner and fourth graders Casey Bonar Tyler Farris and Trystin Hartman Top row from left fourth graders Alyssa Lautzenhiser Zachary Muehlfeld Cody Speicher and Tanner Stickney Not pictured ~ Tiara Mills third grade
FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE PERFECT ATTENDANCE Edon Northwest Elementary School Fifth and Sixth Grade students honored for Perfect Attendance during the 2012 2013 Third Nine Week Grading Period were Front row from left fifth graders Hannah Ater Riley Bloir Jennifer Cook and Caitlyn Dietsch Second row from left fifth graders Jacob Dulle Chris Farris Alex Jacoby and Karlie Scher Third row from left fifth graders Connor Skiles Taylor Trausch and sixth graders Leora Ballmer Colin Dulle and Jonathan Fifer Top row from left sixth graders Tylor Hartman Tammie Julian Jacob Long and JoLynn Winebernner Not pictured ~ Zoe Neubig sixth grade[/emember_protected]