Dr. Karen King submitted her letter of resignation from the Fayette Local Board of Education at their regular meeting on April 8.
A staunch supporter of the children of the district, Dr. King is currently in her second term of Board service. Her resignation is effective June 28, 2013.
Addressing the business agenda for the evening, the Board approved the updated five-year forecast for Fiscal Year 2013. Also approved were donations of $6,342.28 from the PTO for the purchase of eight Ipads, eight netbooks and two mobile carts; $832.57 from the Fayette Athletic Boosters for the purchase of a time clock for the weight room and the purchase of a pole vault; an anonymous donation for $88.00 to purchase a graphic card for the computer department, and three Senteo hand held clickers from Karen Brown at a value of $180.00.
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The Board approved an agreement with the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NWOESC) to provide services to Fayette Local School for Fiscal Year 2014, and an agreement with the Buehrer Group to post an advertisement for bids on Phase I of the Athletic Fields Project. The bids will be due by May 2, 2013 at 3pm.
In matters pertaining to students, the Board agreed to the changes to the High School Student Handbook for 2013-2014. The Board also consented to allow students to attend the FFA Camp at Carrollton on June 24-28, 2013, and for students to attend the State FFA Convention on May 2-3, 2013.
The Board agreed to the schedule of school lunch prices for FY 2013-2014 The prices will be…
Student K-6 – $2.30
Student 7-12 – $2.60
Adult – $3.50
Milk – $.50
The Board agreed to the non-renewal of supplemental one-year contracts for 2012-2013, and approved Lindsey A. Schaffner as Varsity and Junior High Cheerleading co-coach; Bryan Stambaugh as Varsity Cross Country Coach; Matt Maginn as Assistant Cross Country/Junior High Coach; Matt Schaffner as Varsity and JV Volleyball co-coach; Danni Keefer as Varsity and JV Volleyball co-coach; Sarah Wieland as 7th Grade Volleyball Coach, and Amy Herman as 8th Grade Volleyball Coach.