Members and administrators of the Holiday City Council met on April 18, 2013, to approve a contract with AMP-Ohio, discuss a storm-sewer pipe project, and to learn of services for returning veterans. A meeting was not held in March 2013 due to the absence of some council members resulting in a lack of quorum.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance and approval of the agenda, council approved a contract with AMP-Ohio. This will be a four-year contract from 2014 through 2017. There is a cost of $41.48 per megawatt hour. Council also approved temporary appropriations from December at a cost of $7,797,111.
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Resolution R-2013-3, which would authorize the payment of certain fees for debt service related to water and sewage fees owed by village businesses to Montpelier, was approved in its third and final reading. This allows the debt to the Village of Montpelier to be paid in full.
Construction for a shelter house adjacent to the Holiday City Visitor’s Bureau has begun. Plans to build a shelter had been approved last fall as a response to visitors who had sought a sheltered area to have a picnic. The nearest shelter is currently three miles away at the park in Montpelier, but weary travelers did not wish to travel even further from the turnpike. The shelter will hold three picnic tables, and a sidewalk will connect the structure to the parking lot. This project will not only benefit travelers, but individuals working in the area will have access as well.
In her financial report, Clerk/Treasurer Lauri TenEyck-Rupp noted that the annual financial audit was nearing completion.
The council members also learned of services for returning veterans. The Williams County Veteran’s Service Office in Bryan offers many services for not just returning veterans, but those who have served in the past as well. Among the services offered are the Financial Assistance Program which offers assistance with such needs as rent, deposits, mortgage help, some utilities, food and gasoline. Assistance is approved on a case-by-case basis. Those wishing to receive assistance may call the office at 419-636-8812. Further information can be found at their website at:
Before adjourning for the evening, council members wished Village Administrator well as he will be undergoing surgery, and will be out of the office an estimated six weeks.
The next meeting of the Holiday City Council will be held on May 17, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are normally held on the third Thursday of each month unless otherwise indicated.