The Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NwOESC) is pleased to announce staff and students across the four county area being honored through the Franklin B Walter recognition program. The Franklin B Walter All-Scholastic Award Program was established by the Ohio Educational Service Center Association (OESCA) to promote and recognize outstanding academic achievement.
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Recognized in northwest Ohio are one high school senior from each of the twenty-three school districts in Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams counties. Each student receives a $200.00 scholarship, with one student from each county selected for a $500.00 scholarship. The county winners are also honored at a state-wide luncheon in Columbus held in conjunction with the Spring OESCA Conference.
Scholarships are awarded to students based on demonstrating outstanding academic achievement as indicated by high school grades, test scores, and school activities and awards. Each of the student winners pay tribute to a teacher whom has made a significant impact on the student over the course of their educational journey.
Also being honored as part of the NwOESC Franklin B Walter program are special education personnel who have made a positive contribution in the area of services to students with disabilities in schools across the four county region. These special education staff include intervention specialists and therapists nominated for recognition by the school administration with whom they work.
Franklin B. Walter Scholarships for the four county area are funded through NwOESC employee contributions and donations made to the Bryan foundation. If you or your business are interested in contributing to the Franklin B Walter program, please contact Kerri Gearhart at the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center at 567-444-4800 for more information.
Fulton County:
Fayette High School
Melani Seiler; Ms. Barb Bruggeman
Pettisville High School
Nathan Spotts; Mr. Charles Nafziger
Liberty Center High School
Chayli Buenger; Mr. Brandon Readshaw
Patrick Henry High School
*Mallory Michaelis; Mrs. Lisa Frania
Williams County:
Edon High School
Abigail Hill; Mrs. Lauren Hurtig
Hilltop High School
*Alyssa Kempf; Mrs. Cristin Hagans
Montpelier High School
Kelsi Martin; Mr. Robert Wilson
North Central High School
Shaylee Oyer; Miss Sharon Hess
Stryker High School
Keira Grandey; Ms. Donneen Dyess