The Normal Memorial Library in Fayette is a small town hub of activity for children and adults alike. Many children dug into reading this summer with the library’s “Dig Into Reading” summer reading program. A total of 31 children participated logging 2,540 hours in only 6 weeks. Rewarded for their efforts were Hannah Kovar, 484 hours, winner of the girl’s bike, and Miah Beauregard, 448 hours, winner of a digital camera. Ethan Hiler had perfect attendance at the events and was rewarded with the boy’s bike. Many local businesses and volunteers contributed to the success of this program.
The library offers many programs and services for children during the school year as well. A grant received at the beginning of this year has been used for a Listening Center in the Children’s Library. Several new books on CD have been purchased. Children can also read with a buddy in this area. The Afterschool program is once again in full swing. Children in kindergarten through 2nd grade are welcome in September on Tuesdays while children 3rd through 5th grade are welcome on Thursdays for the following days and events: the 10th and 12th movie, 17th and 19th crafts, and 24th and 26th a play day. For the younger children ages 2-5, story time will be held on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:00. The Library asks that 2 and 3 year olds have an adult join them for the fun.
For adults, the library offers a monthly book discussion group. This month, the group will discuss The Good Dream by Donna VanLiere on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 pm. The story, set in Tennessee in the 1950s, exposes small town secrets and pulls main character Ivorie out of her comfort zone when a mysterious child enters her life.
In addition, a new feature in the Library online database called NoveList allows users to access information about the books they are interested in. This feature can be accessed online through the Patron Catalog tab followed by the Enterprise Catalog selection. The Library also appreciates the many donations it receives in memory and in honor of friends and families. The library accepts these types of donations anytime.
If you currently are not taking advantage of all the local library has to offer, September is the perfect time to visit the library. September is National Library Card Sign Up Month, and the Normal Memorial Library will give away free pens to all new patrons requesting first-time library cards. Come check it out!