HELPING THE LESS FORTUNATE … Jasmine Conley (right), the founder of Operation Clean Duds, told Archbold Rotarians that the idea for the non-profit organization came to her in a recurring dream a little more than four years ago. What started as a monthly program in Archbold that provided quarters, laundry detergent and bags so less fortunate individuals and families could do their laundry has now grown to serve 900 families across six northwest Ohio counties. The Rotary program was arranged by Jennie Gilroy (left).
What came to Jasmine Conley in a dream has now grown into a fulltime volunteer job for her that provides individuals and families living in Fulton, Defiance, Williams, Henry, Paulding and Lucas counties with the means to do their laundry in a laundromat at no cost.
Through donations and the support of area United Way organizations, Operation Clean Duds is able to provide the quarters, allergy-free detergent and laundry bags so individuals and families can do their laundry.
“We aim to give people the dignity and comfort that comes with having fresh, clean duds,” Conley told Archbold Rotarians recently. “We believe we are changing lives – one load at a time.”
A lot of families struggle with the cost of a safe, warm place to live, food, clothing, transportation and so much more, she explained. But, there are programs to help with many of those things.
However, unless the home comes with a washer and dryer, there isn’t any program that provides free laundry service at least once a month.
Conley explained that her original dream involved buying an old house with a run-down laundromat where less fortunate persons could come and do their laundry for free. That idea evolved into Operation Clean Duds.
Aside from working with someone to complete and file the paperwork so Operation Clean Duds could become a non-profit organization and gain IRS recognition as a 501(c)3, Conley is pretty much the founder and manager of the organization.
She has developed a network of laundromats in Fulton, Williams, Defiance, Henry, Paulding and Lucas counties that are willing to allow her organization to use their facilities once or twice a month for four hours.
To get the word out about the free laundry service to her target audience, she has networked with area agencies whose clients could possibly benefit from Clean Duds.
In four years, what started in Archbold at The Laundry Room has grown to include the owners of eight laundromats in six northwest Ohio counties where nine free laundry sessions are offered every month.
Last year, some 900 families with income of up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level were served, and some $27,000 of laundry services were provided. No one has ever been turned away, she said. Although most persons go to a laundromat in the county where they live, they can go to any laundromat where the service is offered.
She explained the number of washing machines and dryers that each family can use is based on their family size. Every family is required to complete an application providing basic family information the first time they come and a waiver form every time they use the service.
Conley then inserts the quarters in the machines, provides an allergy-free detergent and a laundry bag if the family doesn’t have one.
Each family handles their own laundry.
Conley attends every four hour laundry session, keeping a supply of quarters, laundry detergent and bags ready for business. However, she noted volunteers are always welcome to help and donations to the organization are accepted.
Operation Clean Duds has a website: www.operationcleanduds.org. They are also on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
The current monthly laundry schedule is….
First Tuesday of month: Defiance Express Laundry, 671 Cleveland Ave., 3 to 7 p.m.
First Thursday: Paulding Koil Laundry, 810 E. Perry St., 3 to 7 p.m.
Second Tuesday: Archbold, The Laundry Room, 504 Stryker St., 3 to 7 p.m.
Second Wednesday: Montpelier Laundry Depot, 1235 E. Main St., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Third Tuesday: Napoleon Spin City, 1445 Scott St., 3 to 7 p.m.
Third Wednesday: Defiance Clean Slate Laundry, 523 Hopkins St., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Third Thursday: Toledo Reynolds Laundromat, 5215 Reynolds Rd., 3 to 7 p.m.
Fourth Tuesday: Montpelier Laundry Depot, 1235 E. Main St., 3 to 7 p.m.
Fourth Thursday: Toledo Duds N Suds, 3215 Navarre Ave., 3 to 7 p.m.