BUSY INTERSECTION Stryker StreetState Route 2 and Township Road 24 may be reconfigured as a four way stop to ease traffic safety concerns until a roundabout is installed
By: Amy Wendt
On Monday, April 15, Archbold Village Council met at its temporary chambers, the Scout Cabin in Ruihley Park, for its second regular meeting of the month with Councilors Gary Dominique, Chad Kern, Kevin Eicher, Karla Ball, and Vaughn Bentz at the table. Councilor Aaron Babcock was absent.
Also present were Mayor Brad Grime, Village Administrator Donna Dettling, Assistant VA Aaron Alt, and the German Township Board of Trustees.
Upon opening the meeting, and after a moment of silence, council approved minutes from the April 1 meeting as well as bills and payroll in the amount of $954,243.58 and the financial reports for March 2024.
Village Engineer Dexter Krueger was on hand to share the final report of the safety study on the intersection at Stryker Street/State Route 2 and Township Road 24.
In September 2023, the village contracted with DGL Consulting Engineers (DGL) to assess the busy intersection.
As a result of the study, the engineering firm recommended a roundabout be installed at an estimated construction cost of around $1.25 million with the village paying around $780,000. At the January 15, 2024 meeting, DGL’s safety study was presented to council for review.
Krueger shared that while a single-lane 180-foot diameter roundabout is still the final recommendation, a roundabout with a smaller diameter of 150-160 feet may still retain the maneuverability necessary for large farm equipment and tractor-trailers.
Another option in the plan calls for shifting the roundabout slightly south to avoid traffic disruptions to Dollar General and Main Stop.
Since the initial safety study, the projected cost has increased from $1.25 million to $3.9 million. According to Krueger, the initial estimated cost accounted for 2024 construction dollars only.
The new number takes into consideration not only the costs of construction, but also the costs related to required environmental studies, right-of-way acquisitions, and overall inflation.
Changes to ODOT’s high-speed roundabout design guidelines since the original safety study was performed in 2023 also contribute to the increased price tag.
Providing state funding is received to proceed with the project, the village would need to budget an additional $400,000 to complete the roundabout.
Next week, Krueger, along with a representative from DGL, will meet with ODOT to present the final project for consideration of funding. Krueger anticipates that the village will receive the outcome of its request during the first week of July.
Krueger later added that if safety funding from the state is not approved this time, the village can reapply.
While awaiting state funding for the roundabout, Krueger noted that DGL proposed a temporary solution, which involves configuring the intersection as a four-way stop.
“Obviously they would suggest that we install advance warning because that would really change the dynamics of that intersection,” noted Krueger.
Council, German Township Trustees, and the village engineer briefly discussed what traffic patterns could look like at the intersection if it were temporarily changed to a four-way stop.
It was noted that Stryker Street/State Route 2 would see decreased efficiency however the measure would allow for increased traffic efficiency for those traveling north/south on Township Road 24.
It was shared that the annual daily traffic (ADT) on State Route 2/Stryker Street sits at approximately 1,800 vehicles while the north leg of Township Road 24 sees around 3,700 vehicles a day.
It was decided that the four-way stop temporary countermeasure would be considered in July after the village received an answer on safety funding for the roundabout.
A second reading was heard on Ordinance 2024-24 to create Chapter 154 “Vacant Property and Building Registration” of the Archbold Codified Ordinances with no action taken. If approved, the legislation would provide for the registration, security, maintenance, and abatement of properties within the village.
Multiple council members shared that they had not received significant feedback from the community on the proposed code addition since it was introduced at the last meeting with a first reading.
Alt added that the village is “definitely open to any feedback that might be out there,” concerning the proposed legislation.
Council also heard companion pieces of legislation, Resolution 2024-26 which provides for a statement of services by the Village of Archbold to real estate for which a petition will be filed for annexation to the Village, and Resolution 2024-27, which will authorize entering into an Annexation Agreement with German Township Trustees. The property under consideration is a 50-acre parcel on Lutz Road west of the bike path to Sauder Village.
Alt explained, “The intention would be to bring this property in as “S-1” which is special use. That is what Sauder Village is…it limits what can be done on that property. The person who purchased it – they just know we have sanitary sewer and storm running through – along that property.”
“They know there’s tremendous value in having access to those utilities. Anything they do (with the property) would have to go through the Planning Commission.” Both resolutions were passed by Council following a declaration of emergency.
In another legislation item, Resolution 2024-28 authorizing the village administrator to advertise for bids for the West Barre Road Waterline Project (Contract 2-2024) was passed.
Dettling provided background on the project sharing that it encompasses the insulation of a water main on the north side of West Barr, stormwater enhancements, the replacement of water main laterals, and new sidewalks in that area. The engineer’s estimate is $900,000.
March 2024 reports before council for review included the Fire & EMS Calls for Service, Police Department Call Response for the month, and the Street Labor & Fleet Reports.
Archbold Village Council will next meet on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.