DISCUSSION … Council member Cletus Radabaugh and Mayor Eric Jenkins discuss future plans at the Blakeslee Village Council meeting.
By: Brianna Balogh
The upcoming holiday season was on the agenda of the Blakeslee village council meeting on October 2nd. Called to order at 6:02 pm, roll call was taken with one member being absent, Rosemary Alexander. Mayor Eric Jenkins and Fiscal Officer Courtny Osborn were also in attendance.
Meeting minutes from September 4th were approved. Osborn gave a quick financial update, stating receipts were $2054.46 and payments at $2032.92. The financial report was reviewed and signed by the council.
The council focus then turned to the upcoming Christmas celebration. The tentative date for the Christmas parade is December 15th. Plans began to come together with the K of C to provide chili and hot dogs.
When asked about the potential of vendors coming in, it was discussed that it was not financially lucrative enough for outside vendors, most requiring sales of $250.
Council discussed getting donations for Christmas cookies and plans to have popcorn as well. Other activities are being planned to include the high school band and pictures with Santa.
Trick or Treat was finalized with the date set for Saturday October 26th from 5:30 -6:30. Also, large item trash day is set for October 19th.
The next issue was an ordinance violation regarding a house in town containing chickens and ducks. Mayor Jenkins outlined the next steps to be taken including an official notification and potential escalation to multiple fines.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:18. The next meeting is set for Wednesday, November 6th at 6pm.