By: John L. Winright
Present were Eric Jenkins – Mayor, Shelly Cox – President of Council, Courtny Osborn – Fiscal Officer Robert Mohre, Randy Mohre – Police Chief, Rosemary Alexander Thiel, Cletus Radabaugh, Linda Muehlfeld, Virgil Green along with visitor, Allyn Luce – Florence Township Fire Chief.
Mayor Eric Jenkins called the meeting to order and then the February meeting minutes were read and approved.
Mayor Jenkins then looked over and signed recent purchase orders that were prepared by Fiscal Officer Courtny Osborn.
Council reviewed and signed the monthly financial reports as presented along with receipts that totaled $2,933.40 with payments at $1,881.54.
In legislative moves, Bob Mohre made a motion that was approved to appoint Allyn Luce as the Fire Protection Director for the Village of Blakeslee.
At that time, Luce was sworn in as the Fire Protection Director for the Village of Blakeslee by Jenkins.
The next part of the meeting was the approval of Resolution 01-03072024 – a resolution to approve/disapprove the final plan for the countywide 9-1-1 system in Williams County.
In other business, Virgil Green reported that he is still waiting on a quote for village sign painting. He will share that with council as soon as he has it available.
A discussion took place about the villages flag being tattered and Mayor Jenkins said he will be getting it mended and properly hung back in its place.
Jenkins said he will also be talking to the engineer’s office about a quote regarding the alleyway improvement.
And he is also going to contact ODOT regarding potholes on Rt. 34 through town. Work is still being done to get the old bike shop torn down. This is a work in progress, hopefully it will be down soon.
Next regular business meeting will be held Wednesday April 3, at 6:00 pm.