TRANSFER OF FUNDS Two resolutions were approved providing for the transfer and appropriation of funds for projects approved in the 2024 BMU budget for both the electric and water departments
By: Anna Wozniak
The Bryan Board of Public affairs met on December 5, 2023 at 5 p.m., with councilors Tom Sprow, Karen Ford, Annette Schreiner, Jim Salsbury, and Dick Long present.
Also present were City Clerk – Treasurer John Lehner, Director of Utilities Derek Schultz, and Mayor Carrie Schlade.
Their first order of business was to approve the minutes of their November 21, 2023 meeting as presented, which was approved by way of motion shortly before a resolution approving the 2024 BMU department budget after being presented an updated copy with one amendment -that being to remove consideration of electric charging stations and the change of electric vehicles to internal combustion engines.
The 2024 BMU budget was approved as amended, with discussion tailored around the support of the amendment -which related to the decision to stay away from electric vehicles while there are still so many variables with feasibility and technology adaptations.
A resolution approving the appropriation of funds to the 515 reserve Electric Capital Fund from the 501 Electric Fund to account for the funds needed for projects approved within the 2024 budget was approved before a resolution approving a transfer of funds to the 525 Water Capital Fund from the 502 Water Fund to account for projects approved in the 2024 BMU budget was approved.
Both of these resolutions approved the transfer and appropriation of these funds for pre-approved projects presented to the board at their November meeting.
Approval was then given for the completion of a Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant, with a project on East Mulberry Street currently in mind if the application were to be approved by the Ohio Department of Development.
Derek Wyrick was then promoted to regular status, with the board congratulating him, and lauding him on his determination to “climb up the ladder” at his time with BMU.
The final BPA meeting for 2023 was then scheduled for December 29, 2023 at noon.
The bills were approved to be paid as presented before Mayor Schlade shared that Stephen Alspaugh was selected for the Ward 4 Bryan City Council seat.
The board again congratulated Wyrick on his end of probation, also thanking everyone who works for the utility for their hard work at maintaining the utility for the consumers.
Schreiner shared her thanks for Schultz’s work on the 2024 Budget, and the board then entered a short recess before executive session at 5:18 p.m.