PRESENTATION … AMP VP Mike Migliore went before the BPA to present a slideshow about the City of Bryan power supply and energy markets.
By: India Kenner
The Bryan Board of Public Affairs met on Tuesday, August 20th at 5 pm. The meeting was called to order at 5 pm after the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken by Clerk-Treasurer John Lehner, all board members were present, Chair Karen Ford, Vice Chair Annette Schreiner, board members Dick Long, Jim Salsbury, Bob Eyre, and Director of Utilities Derek Schultz and guest Mike Migliore of VP Power Supply Planning from AMP.
The motion to approve the minutes of the August 6th meeting was made by Bob Eyre and seconded by Dick Long. No public concerns or issues with the Clerk-Treasurer report.
Migliore presented a slideshow about the City of Bryan power supply and energy markets.
The slideshow explained where different types of power sources come from such as hydro plants, coal plants, solar, wind farms, and natural gas.
Migliore presented many graphs and pie charts showing times and dates of peak demands and kilowatt hours.
Next on the agenda was Resolution 18-2024 – a resolution to authorize, prepare, and submit an application for participation in OPWC improvement programs and to execute contracts as required.
The OPWC provides financial assistance in the form of grants for improvements to public infrastructure. The City of Bryan is planning to make improvements to a waterline on East Mulberry Street.
Resolution No. 31- 2024 Bryan City Council authorized Mayor Carrie Schlade to apply for the OPWC grant funds.
Next for discussion is Resolution 19-2024 – to authorize the employee’s annual premium rate for health insurance. The City of Bryan offers health insurance benefits to full-time employees.
The annual employee premium rate is to be increased by 13.01 percent to match the net increase in health insurance costs to the City of Bryan.
Clerk Treasurer John Lehner explained the change in deductions and that this resolution was made to help lower the insurance rates and add more benefits for the City of Bryan employees. Motion to approve the resolution by Bob Eyre seconded by Dick Long.
Next up was the discussion of semi-monthly disbursements. Eyre commented that he enjoyed the AMP presentation all other board members agreed.
The Bryan Board of Public Affairs meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm the next meeting will be held September 3rd at 5 pm.