RESOLUTION PASSED … Shown is a parcel of land that the Bryan City Council approved to remain for agricultural use. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The February 20, 2023 Bryan City Council meeting began at 5:30 with the pledge of allegiance and roll call.
Mayor Carrie Schlade, Councilor Richard Hupe, Councilor Judy Yahraus, and Councilor John Betts were in attendance, joining late was Councilor Mary Leatherman.
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2023 meeting by Yahraus and Betts.
City Engineer Wieland presented the council with concerns on agricultural parcels, located as item 7 on their agenda.
There are parcels of land that used to be coded for agricultural use that need to be renewed every five years and in a municipality these parcels need to be approved in a public hearing by legislation.
Wieland offered to answer any questions the council might have on what this entails.
Annual engineering report contained projects and team members. There were 234 investigated code enforcement offenses, and 45 citations were issued.
274 zoning violations were investigated, and 12 zoning certificates were issued.
Future goals were gone over, and prices have gone up so council will have to regroup to discuss funding.
The street reports were given, and costs have lowered the past two years due to mild weather.
Tom White is retiring at the end of May 2023 and efforts will have to be made to ensure he has a replacement.
23,550 feet of sanitary sewer were cleaned and televised in 2022. Fountain Grove had 39 burials and 22 bases poured in 2022.
The clerk/treasurer’s report was approved in a motion moved by Yahraus, seconded by Leatherman, and unanimously approved.

An ordinance approving the commencement of the construction of the Dewatering Project for the City of Bryan Wastewater Treatment Plant.
There are long wait times on equipment, but construction itself should not take more than two months. Leatherman moved the motion to approve, Yahraus seconded, and Council unanimously approved.
An Ordinance #8-2023 was declared an emergency and allows for the mayor to enter into participation for the ONEOHIO Subdivision Settlement pursuant to the ONEOHIO Memorandum of Understanding regarding the pursuant and use of potential opioid litigation settlement funds.
This is a second settlement separate from the one done in August 2021. The motion to approve this ordinance was made by Betts, seconded by Leatherman, and unanimously approved by the council.
Resolution #15-2023 authorizing the Director of Parks and Recreation of the City of Bryan to apply for four more grants to help with the costs of the inclusive playground they are hoping to begin on in the fall.
A motion to approve this was made by Yahraus and seconded by Leatherman before being unanimously approved by the council.

Resolution #16-2023 to approve the continuance of inclusion of parcels of land to remain for agricultural use. A motion approving this was moved by Betts, seconded by Leatherman, and unanimously approved by the council.
A motion was made to approve Resolution #17-2023 authorizing the city engineer to apply for more grants by Yahraus and seconded by Leatherman before being unanimously approved by the council.
Resolution #18-2023 allowed for the acceptance of a donation from Project 2020. The movement approving this resolution was moved by Leathermen and seconded by Betts before being unanimously approved by the council.
Resolution #19-2023 allowing for the acceptance of Ohio BWC extrication equipment grant was moved by Betts and seconded by Leatherman before its unanimous approval.
Councilors thanked contributors for their donations as well as those who are garnering grant funds.
The mayor thanked everyone for their efforts, took a moment to thank the Street Department for overcoming obstacles, and congratulated Derek Schultz on his promotion.

Yahraus moved and Betts seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m. before it was unanimously approved by the council.
Anna can be reached at