By: Anna Wozniak
The Bryan City Council met Monday September 18, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. After the pledge of allegiance, they voted to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2023 meeting and the September 5, 2023 joint special meeting as presented.
The clerk / treasurer’s report was accepted as presented before council approved an ordinance amending Section 111.031 of the City of Bryan Codified Ordinances to account for the increase the recently passed Ohio law allows concerning bid requirements.
Then accepted was a resolution accepting a $314,711.31 donation from the Bryan Area Foundation and other donors to the Parks and Recreation Department for the Lincoln Park Inclusive Playground.
A resolution then was passed approving annual appropriations to fiscal year 2023 and an ordinance authorizing the purchase of the Lincoln Park GameTime playground equipment “and related products and services” through Omnia Partners, “a cooperative purchasing program for state and local government entities.”
Last approved was a resolution authorizing the Chief of Police of the City of Bryan to apply for grants for the Ohio Criminal Justice System for body cameras.
Mayor Carrie Schlade shared that Tuesday October 2 at 5:30 p.m. will be the next Bryan council meeting, which will not be recorded as the Bryan Board of Public Affairs will be meeting at the same time.
The street department will see the trash pickup schedule change to every other week instead of every first and third week to accommodate a fifth week that happens about 5 times a year.
Thursday October 19 and Friday October 20 will see fall trash drop-off at the street department center on Townline Road from 1-7 p.m., and Saturday October 21 from 8 a.m.- noon.
Council then reminded residents to read their water bill, as important dates and updates are frequently sent in with them.
Council and the community were then welcomed to the groundbreaking ceremony that will take place on Friday, September 29, 2023 at Lincoln School for the inclusive playground at 2 p.m., and everyone that contributed to its fruition through donations was fervently thanked by all present.
Council thanked the community for stepping up to contribute to all of the recent drives set to better the community, and shared that those wishing to donate to the inclusive park can still do so at the Bryan Area Foundation.
Mayor Schlade has provided integral support throughout this project before the meeting was adjourned.
Anna can be reached at