The Bryan City Schools is getting ready for a renewal request of a levy that adds 10 percent to the general fund.
At the Board of Education’s March 20 meeting, Bill Martin, chairman of the Yes for Bryan Schools Levy Committee addressed the board. He said the levy is not a new tax, as it was originally passed in May 2002. The levy generates $1,910,000 per year for general fund operating expenses and is nearly 10 percent of the school district’s annual revenue.
The board also heard from teachers Lisa Heslop and Olivia Elkins regarding a possible overseas trip with the Spanish students. The trip would take place during the summer months and would cost $3,260 per student. The cost includes airfare, food, and entry fees to events/places visited. The trip would be a good cultural experience for the students, the teachers said.
Board members expressed concerns about the cost of the trip, student safety, and the number of students excluded due to the cost. The board will take the matter into consideration.
Four County Career Center School Board Report
Mrs. Keeler congratulated Bryan students at Four County Career Center participating in state competitions:
• Business Professionals of America – Griffin Dean, Kassidi Martin, and Morgan Street.
• Health Occupations Students of America – Kamryn Dick and Hannah Maxcy.
• Skills USA – Caleb Overmyer.
The board approved the following donations: Walk off mats, valued at $110.64 from Bryan Service Master for the 6-12 Building entrances and an outdoor U.S. Flag from Ned Garver in memory of Ned Garver Sr.
The board approved the 2017-18 school calendar. Among the highlights: the first day for students will be Sept. 12; Thanksgiving break will be Nov. 22-24; Winter break will be Dec. 25-Jan. 1; Spring Break, March 26-30 and the last day at June 8.
The board approved an overnight trip request for the eighth-grade class. The itinerary includes the buses leaving for Chicago at 8:30 a.m., May 18 and returning May 19 at 8 p.m. The trip will include about 150 students and 15-20 chaperones plus an administrator. The trip will have stops at the Museum of Science and Industry, Walk on Michigan Avenue; Medieval Times Dinner Theater, Lincoln Park Zoo, and Navy Pier.
The board approved the following commendations:
HIGH SCHOOL: Students of Action (Hardworking) Damon Beltz, Margo Morr, Kayla Arnold, Riley Stalter, Brooks Brown
MIDDLE SCHOOL: Students of Action (Hardworking) Daniel Funes, Jacob McVay, Jonathon Heldberg, Lillian Schlade, Charlene Fonseca, Katie Seaman, Adaya Strobietto, Kaitlyn Lechak, Madison Wilson, Holden Cobb, Vailor Middleton, Canon Lamberson.
BRYAN ELEMENTARY: 2-5 Campus: Character Trait Student Commendations (Hardworking): Aydon Garvin, Kallie VanDeVoorde, Nolan Sleesman, Brenden Roberts, Elijah Cummins, Nole Carpenter, Carter Altaffer, Caylin Brenneman, Conner Myers, Anvi Patel, Jaylen Showalter, Olivia Brown, Josef Durbin, Bella Heaton, Troy Snyder, Connor Hogan, Ryleah Thompson, Kenna Kauffman, Tony Foust, Jordan Wolf, Alissa Elston, Caitlyn DeWitt, Ava Lambert, Keira Meyers, Josic Daniels, McKaylah Wells, Leyla Avila-Garcia, Makenly Ward, Marah Smith, Cole Uran, Jordan Durbin, Chelsey Haury, Zaven Alyanakian, Ava Colbert .
PE Gold Slip Winner – Piper Hanna.
WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY: Character Trait Student Commendations (Hardworking): Jada Batt, Mackenzie Kennedy, Skielynn Carlisle, Logan Vaccaro, Jack Ridgway, Keaton Myers, Elayna Poulson, Cade Kern, Aleah Chappuies, Levi Crocker, Porter Lirot, Kendall Veres, Jackson Beltran, Griffin Fowler, Brayleigh Herman, Zariah Williams, Hunter Wirth, Brooklynn Lanius, Cooper Holman, Evan DeWitt, Jett Roose, Jesse Pearson, Alexa Watkins, Jayden Dilyard, Anthony Prater, Sabian Lirot, Lillyanna Entenman, Preston Williams, Trinidee Baughman, Destiney Hand, Kyler Lovejoy, Hunter Smith, Ava Lucas, Keira Moss, Zackery Reliford, Jerry Leininger II.
PE Gold Slip Winners – Rylee Arquette, Lyla Routen.
The board accepted the resignation of bus driver Gary Wildmanr, effective March 17.
Disability Retirement was approved for Kristi Bellamy, PK-5 Custodian, effective March 17, with SERS; Cassandra Snider, HS Language Arts Teacher, effective March 31 with STRS.
Unpaid Parenting Leave for the 2017-2018 school year was approved for Amy Brock, Grade 5 Classroom Teacher.

Corbin Walker will be transferred to Grade 7-12 Integrated Social Studies Teacher effective with the 2017-2018 school year. Jackie Wilson will transfer to 2nd shift custodian PK-5, 8.0 hrs per day, effective March 20.
Change in pay rate effective Feb. 24: Lindsey Smith, Transportation/Foodservice/Curriculum/Technology secretary,will receive a change in pay rate, effective February 24, to $14.87 per hour.
Non-renew winter supplemental of non-certificated staff include Cheerleading – Peggy Musser, Assistant Cheerleading – Kristi Moor, Assistant High School Girls Basketball – Kathy Lamberson , Assistant High School Girls Basketball – Bob Klopfenstein, Middle School Girls Basketball – Tiffany Heller, Middle School Boys Basketball – Larry Snavely, Assistant HS Boys Basketball – Maurice Zuver, Assistant HS Boys Basketball – Steve Lamberson, Assistant HS Boys Basketball – Blake Rockey, Assistant HS Wrestling Coach – Kraig Bostelman, Assistant HS Wrestling Coach – Doug Moor, Head HS Wrestling Coach – Jeremy Suffel, Middle School Wrestling Coach – Rick Fenter, Middle School Wrestling Coach – Del Miller, Head Bowling Coach – Doug Miller, Assistant Bowling Coach – Kathy Miller, Assistant Bowling Coach – Dustin Gillett, Assistant Swimming Coach – Lisa Frame, Assistant Swimming Coach – Lesley Harsila.
Substitutes: Classified – Paige Taylor
Volunteers: HS Athletic Department – Keith Elting
The next meeting of the Bryan Board of Education will be held on Monday, April 17, at 7 PM at the Field House Conference Room.

James Pruitt may be reached at