By: Dr. Jerry Bergman
Montpelier, Ohio
Genesis 2:18 says that after God created Adam, for the first time in the creation account, He saw something that was not good—men being alone.
Specifically, the LORD God said, “It is not good that men be alone; I will make a helpmate fit for them.” This fact is shown in longevity statistics.
Married men, on average, live six years longer than single men, and the longer a man stays married, the greater his survival advantage over his unmarried peers.
It is not good for a man to be alone for many reasons including he would not have the benefit of a woman’s positive influence and the sanctifying effects of marriage.
I have had the privilege of consulting and testifying in close to 50 custody trials. One reason I was called to testify was because I published an article in a law journal on the problems males have in obtaining custody.
In all the cases I testified for the male and, in almost all cases, he lost because of legal bias. In contested cases where the couple cannot agree on joint custody, the courts most often conclude that the mother is the preferred custodial parent.
After several years of consulting in these cases, when I was contacted by an attorney or father, I would relate my past negative experience.
I explained that it is normally an exercise in futility for the male to attempt to get custody. I remember well the anguish fathers experienced over their concern for their children.
They had good reason to be concerned, but proving that in court was difficult. Unless documented evidence of their spouses’ drinking existed, such as DUI arrests, it was his word against hers. And she was usually believed.
Forty years ago, I and several colleagues began an organization called ‘The Scientific Study of Male Psychology and Physiology’.
Despite a sterling board of directors, it failed. We faced much opposition from women’s groups who wrongly felt we were anti-women and detracted from their goals. I know of no other organization that had the same focus we did.
Consider the plight of males from the womb to the tomb. In the West, male fetuses are more likely to be born premature, suffer brain damage, be aborted, or miscarried.
Sixty percent of males compared to 40 percent of females are also more likely to be placed in special education programs. Boys are also more likely to be referred to school psychologists or sent to the principal.
High school boys are far more likely to get into legal trouble and have much higher arrest and suspension rates than girls.
Consider also that in our “girl power” culture, male bashing is common today. As Gloria Steinman said, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” Many today claim the problem in our society is ‘toxic masculinity’.
Gloria Steinem, though, must have met the right man. The feminist icon who once dismissed marriage as an oppressive institution was a first-time bride at age 66.
Males are three times more likely to commit suicide than females, ten times more likely to be incarcerated, one hundred times more likely to be involved in a mass shooting, and two hundred more times likely to be accused of sexual improprieties.
In the past few years, two White male acquiesces of mine committed suicide. Both were well-educated in their early 60s but were unable to obtain work. Both concluded that the pressure to hire minorities was part of the reason.
Women prefer to marry employed men who can support them; thus, because of rising male unemployment, many single women are unable to find suitable marriage partners.
However, unemployed single men are continuing to father children, resulting in an enormous number of single mothers. Children in Black families without a father living at home are over 64 percent.
For Hispanic families the number is 42 percent, and for White families, 24 percent. This problem is related to male unemployment, delinquency, drug abuse, and poor school performance involving primarily boys from single-parent homes.
Last year, 91 percent of prison inmates were male, and females often were imprisoned due to crimes committed with their boyfriend or husband.
Men are especially affected by current economic problems. Good-paying jobs that were once disproportionately held by men are being lost at a greater rate than in most areas, including manufacturing and factory work.
These jobs are being replaced by automation, robots, and immigrants who will work for lower wages. Close to ten percent of the eligible male workforce are unemployed, and most will never return to work.
These ten percent are less likely to get married, and if they do, are more likely to divorce. Men are also on average now less-educated than women. Women now make up over 60 percent of college students.
Over half of students in programs traditionally held by men, including medical school and law school, are women. White heterosexual males are now the only unprotected minority in America.
All other people groups, genders, sexes, and races are protected by law against discrimination. This problem needs to be addressed by our churches, courts, and government.
I fear things will get much worse before the problem is given some meaningful attention. As once said, today women go to college and men go to prison.
Dr. Jerry Bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology for over 40 years at several colleges and universities including Bowling Green State University, Medical College of Ohio where he was a research associate in experimental pathology, and The University of Toledo. He is a graduate of the Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, the University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University. He has over 1,800 publications in 12 languages and 60 books and monographs. His books and textbooks that include chapters that he authored are in over 1,500 college libraries in 27 countries.