By: Rex Stump
“I always feel like somebody’s watching me….” the tune of that old song Michael Jackson song echoes through my head as I wrote this devotional.
It doesn’t seem appropriate to include the lyrics to a pop song of the 80’s with a scriptural reflection, so maybe I should explain.
Years ago, I was invited to speak at an FCA retreat in the Cleveland area. It was a great opportunity to share Jesus, so I couldn’t turn it down.
At the end of the event, the teacher who invited me, presented me with a painting. He wasn’t just a teacher; he was an artist!
It was an incredible work of art depicting Jesus and His disciples in the storm from Mark 4:35. It wasn’t just a masterpiece by the hands of a new friend, it was a reminder that Jesus still calms storms.
But then I noticed another boat in the picture. My initial thought, “Oops, he got the story wrong and painted an extra boat.” I’ve read this story hundreds of times, it was just Jesus and His disciples in their boat, right?
Wrong. Verse 36 says, “So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed).” Other boats followed! His painting was spot on. I think in my haste to rush to the meat of the story, I missed a few details.
Take time to slowly read through this story and the accounts from others in Matthew 8:23, and Luke 8:22. But one truth I want you to know is that we are not alone.
During this fierce storm, in the chaos and fear of dying, they woke Jesus up and asked, Teacher, don’t you care that we are going to drown?
They felt alone and that Jesus was not helping. We all feel that way at times. The storms of life hit, and the chaos of our schedules, relationships, and unfair situations knock us around. We begin to wonder if God sees us and our struggles.
We may wonder, like the disciples, does God really care. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, people have often felt this way, so don’t knock the disciples for looking into the eyes of Jesus and asking this question.
Here is truth. He is always watching, and He cares. The disciples were reminded to trust Jesus in the storm, even when they felt alone. And…the nearby boats witnessed this too! The other boats, who were tagging along felt the storm too.
They watched, not having Jesus in their boat! They watched, wondering how Peter and the others would respond to a storm. Others are watching you too.
Now you know why that tune is going through my head. Somebody is watching. My Lord God is watching me. He cares for me, and He knows what I’m going through.
I’m not alone. Others are watching me, wondering how I will handle the storms of my life. Will I trust the God I worship; will I live a God-honoring life?
As you move through this day, remember that God sees you and what you are going through. As you move through this day, remember that others are watching you, wondering if your faith is real, even in the dark and chaotic times of life. In these times, trust God. You may feel alone, you are not. Trust God.
Rex Stump is the Area Director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and serves as a Pastor at True North Church in Wauseon, Ohio.