By: Jacob Kessler
The Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio’s Board has moved to approve the adding of two new canine units into the tool belt utilized by building officers.
Executive Director Dennis Sullivan explained that, “Canine units in jails and prisons are becoming more and more popular.”
“These dogs are specifically trained to detect things that are legal in the community, but illegal in a correctional facility, like THC and suboxone. It’s time for us to do this.”
This decision came during the CCNO’s board meeting held on Wednesday, December 18th. Jail officials will be researching training options and will also be visiting other facilities that already have canine units in place to make the best decisions and policies for CCNO.
The board allowed for the purchase of up to two dogs, training, and miscellaneous expenses up to $45,000.00. The money for this program will come from the inmate trust fund and will not be expensed out to taxpayers.
Additionally, two new inmate programs are in the works at the jail. TYRO Leadership and Victim Awareness will be available to inmates next year.
Board Chairman Fulton County Sheriff Roy Miller then honored retiring board members, Williams County Commissioner Lewis Hilkert, Henry County Commissioner Bob Hastedt, and Henry County Sheriff Mike Bodenbender.