(PRESS RELEASE) – Fulton County 4-H has 34 4-H clubs with over 780 youth and is led by over 150 adult volunteers. Finding a 4-H club to join is the first step.
The 4-H clubs are spread throughout the county, this link https://go.osu.edu/fultonjoin4h has all the clubs in your community, then contact the head advisor for their club information or you can contact the Ohio State University Extension-Fulton County office at 419-337-9210 and we will help you find one in your area!
All 4-H approved volunteers and youth members – existing and new need to enroll into the 4-H online 2.0 system (v2.4honline.com).
The OSU Extension-Fulton County webpage has “Enrollment Instructions” and videos to help with the process at this link https://go.osu.edu/Fulton4HOnlineHelp
Youth are eligible for 4-H membership as a Cloverbud when a child is age five as of January 1 of the current year and is enrolled in kindergarten and youth are eligible for project membership in the 4-H club program when a child is age eight as of January 1 of the current year and is enrolled in third grade or a youth aged 9 or above regardless of grade level. Ohio 4-H membership ends December 31 of the year in which an individual becomes 19-years old.
Membership begins when an eligible individual is enrolled in a club or group that operates within the scope of Ohio State University Extension and is under the direction of a trained adult who has completed the Ohio State University Extension volunteer selection process.
The enrollment deadline for youth wanting to join Fulton County 4-H is April 1st.