By: Jesse Davis
With current Pike-Delta-York Local School District CFO/Treasurer Matt Feasel retiring after eight years with the district, the school board voted during a special meeting Monday to hire Leland Hayes.
Hayes is currently a Wauseon resident, but has been commuting an hour and a half for the last two and a half years to serve as treasurer for the Spencerville Local School District. He said he is looking forward to the shorter commute, but also has family with kids in the community and has always enjoyed the fireworks and Chicken Festival in Delta in particular.
Hayes takes over the position as the district is facing funding issues due to the failure of a $1.3 million tax levy in November. He said he’s got a fairly good grasp of the situation, acknowledging the difficulties that lie ahead.
“It’s going to be challenging moving forward,” Hayes said. “It’s very important that we get the levy passed for the overall health of the district.”
He credited Feasel for helping bring the district to a stable position, and said he plans to build on what Feasel did and move forward.
“We don’t want to fall behind, we don’t want our buildings to fall apart,” Hayes said. “We want to have a good environment for our teachers, a good environment for our students so they can learn, and having the funds available to do that without going the the community for a new bond for fixing something every so many years.”
Feasel, who has worked for the district since September of 2016, had originally planned on retiring this November, when representatives from Bowling Green City Schools reached out to him.
“They’ve just passed a bond issue, they’ve got a building project coming up, and they have a levy on the ballot in the fall,” Feasel said. “Their treasurer had left and they weren’t able to find anyone to fill the position, so they called and kind of twisted my arm. So I’m gonna work a couple more years, I think.”
Despite his excitement for the new role, Feasel said he will miss Delta.
“I’ve loved it, it’s been a great experience,” he said. “I love the community – they’ve been very supportive, the staff is fantastic. I can’t say enough. It’s been a great eight years.”
Feasel still has one meeting remaining before he leaves the position. Hayes was hired on a two-year contract set to begin next month.
The next regular meeting of the school board is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17 at the district office at 504 Fernwood Street in Delta.