The Delta Village Council held their meeting on Monday, February 21st. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Council first moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting which took place on February 7th before moving to correspondence.
Village Administrator Brad Peebles informed council that, due to the amount of rain and snow received, there has been more flooding issues appearing at Taylor Street and Eastwood north of the High School.
The county engineers have been contacted and they were informed that the Village wanted to do something to address the surface water.
The water is coming from outside of the village, and due to that, the only way the county can participate and address the issue is if the village petitions for drainage improvements.
Designs for catch basins and reforming of the land are being looked at. Council will be given more information as it is available.
Council then moved to approve the invoices as presented before also giving approval to close out a water account that is no longer collectible.
A discussion then took place between members of council regarding Ordinance 22-01 and the comp pay changes. Questions were asked to the Village Administrator and Finance Director regarding how pay and comp time has been done since it started, and why a change is being put in to no longer allow comp time on holidays.
The Finance Director and Village Administrator stated that errors have occurred in the past which has led up to the want for these changes to be made and that the software which is currently being used is not made to work well for this purpose.
Council members discussed and asked if the software could be changed to allow what is needed to make it less prone to errors. Ordinance 22-01 regarding these issues was then tabled until the next meeting in order to make the requested changes.
Next, the First Reading of Resolution 22-04 with Emergency Provisions was then read. The Resolution authorizes the Village Administrator to enter into a customer supply agreement for the supply of third-party electric generation available to residential and small commercial aggregation participants within the Village of Delta and declaring an emergency.
A motion to suspend the rules was made and passed, followed by approval of the resolution which also passed. Council then moved to adjourn for the evening.