SWORN IN … New Delta Village Council member Rachel Adams (right) is sworn in by Mayor Allen Naiber (left) during the council’s meeting on Monday.
By: Jesse Davis
The Delta Village Council appointed Rachel Adams to council during its meeting Monday to fill the seat of resigned councilor Ashley Todd.
Adams, a longtime Delta resident born in Salem, was up against fellow residents Dan Elliott and Hal Kinder. Elliott has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Bowling Green State University.
At the beginning of Monday’s meeting, the council immediately went into executive session to consider the appointment.
Council members spoke with each candidate individually, speaking with Adams first for 19 minutes, then Elliott for 16 minutes and finally Kinder for 14 minutes.
After coming back from the executive session, the council voted unanimously to appoint Adams to complete the term vacated by Todd when she resigned during the council’s May 20 meeting.

When asked after the meeting what her current employment is (as being a council member is not a full-time job), Adams said “no comment.”
A contract with Cintas for some village uniforms as well as a more uniform policy are likely coming after a discussion on the proposed contract.
Under existing uniform “policy,” which is informal, different employees have received different reimbursement for different clothing.
The contract recommendation from Interim Village Administrator Edward Ciecka was to approve shirts and cargo pants to be provided to employees in the wastewater, streets, and distribution departments.
In the end, the council decided to have the issue brought back at a future meeting when they could consider a new, concrete uniform policy in addition to the contract.
It was reported that there are problems with the lift station on County Road 9 south of well 20, adjacent to North Star BlueScope Steel, and that it must currently be operated manually. Staff is currently trying to troubleshoot the problem.

It was reported that Fire Chief Jeremy Gillen has volunteers to paint the village’s fire hydrants if the village will supply the paint.
The council voted to approve the annexation of a pair of Delta Acres properties on final reading.
The next regular meeting of the Delta Village Council will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, July 15 at 401 Main Street in Delta.