Delta Village Council held the monthly meeting on March 1, 2021. Following the regular business of acceptance of the previous meeting’s minutes, Mayor Frank Wilton opened the floor for any public wishing to address council. With no one desiring to do so, he moved on to correspondence.
Under Correspondence, there was a draft copy of the State of the Village Address for council, so they were asked by Village Administrator Brad Peebles to look it over and decide if they want to mail it out. It was agreed to put it on the agenda for reading aloud at the next meeting.
Finance Director Stephanie Mossing requested approval of invoices, which were approved by Council. Councilman Tanner requested on behalf of Village Services Committee that they set a meeting to review and discuss snow removal practice within the park.
The meeting was scheduled for March 15, 2021 following the regular council meeting.
In Old Business, Council voted to approve the Third Reading of Ordinance 21-04 “Directing the Finance Director to Transfer Funds from Fire Fund to General Fund”; and Second Reading of Ordinance 21-05 “Authorizing the Village Administrator to dispose of certain real estate not needed for any municipal purpose.”
In New Business, council approved Resolution 21-03 First Reading “A resolution endorsing the Joint Solid Waste Management Plan Update for the Solid Waste District of Defiance, Fulton, Paulding and Williams County.”
Council went into Executive Session requested for Personnel Matters (the interview of a council candidate.)
Back in session, they nominated Art Thomas and voted to approve him for council. Mr. Thomas was immediately sworn in as a member of the Delta Village Council.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 15, 2021 at 5:30. With no further business the meeting adjourned.