DIABETES INFORMATION … Susan Murry, DNP, from Parkview Physicians Group, Bryan, shown at left, served as speaker on diabetes at the general meeting Monday, Nov. 8th of CHWC-Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Montpelier. She was presented an appreciation gift on behalf of the auxiliary by President Gloria Poorman, shown at right. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
Susan Murry, DNP, board certified in advanced diabetes management, from Parkview Physicians Group, Bryan, served as speaker at the CHWC-Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary meeting held Monday, Nov. 8th at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.
Auxiliary President Gloria Poorman opened the meeting and introduced the guest speaker, who gave information about diabetes and management options for patients.
Holding a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University, Susan has more than 30 years experience in her profession, specializing in thyroid and diabetic care.
She assists family physicians of diabetic patients and specialists associated with Community Hospitals & Wellness Centers in Bryan, Montpelier and Archbold.
Nurse Practitioner Murry explained the difference between Type I and Type II diabetes conditions diagnosed when the pancreas gland either doesn’t secrete insulin or not enough insulin to regulate blood glucose levels in the body.
Symptoms of diabetes may include yeast or other skin infections, difficulty getting to the bathroom in time, feeling very tired for no reason, changes in vision, and high blood sugar levels. Causes for this condition may be hereditary, checking patient’s family history, and lifestyle choices including diet and exercise.
Various medications are available to help Type II diabetic patients to help regulate blood glucose levels. There are many types of insulin, which need to be tailored to a patient’s individual needs, necessary for Type I diabetics and only for some classified as Type II.
New technology is available to show medical personnel continuous 24-hour tracking of blood sugar levels. Some patients use insulin pumps to help regulate blood glucose.
Regarding diet, diabetic patients need to consume “colorful” foods including vegetables, fruits and proteins from meat, eggs, cheese and nuts and avoid candy and “starchy whites” like potatoes, rice, pasta and bread in the carbohydrates group. Protein helps slow down absorption of sugars in the body.
In conclusion, DNP Murry reminded everyone to get their flu shots. President Gloria thanked the speaker and presented her with an appreciation gift on behalf of the auxiliary.
Following the speaker, the regular auxiliary business meeting was conducted, beginning with the auxiliary prayer.
Roll call was answered by “What was the last sweet thing you ate?”. Thought for the day was “The strength of nations derives from the integrity of the home” by Confucius.
Minutes by Secretary Connie Dunseth from the October luncheon meeting were read and Treasurer Joyce Schelling gave the financial and membership report.
Gloria gave an update on the patient activity cart, funded by the auxiliary, which is in the shipping process. Signs for the luminaries at the Montpelier Hospital entrance during the Christmas season are ready for display.
Dedication forms are available and were distributed for memorial luminaries and angels in memory of loved ones who have passed away. Anyone wishing to order luminaries and angels should contact Auxiliary Treasurer Joyce Schelling, ph: 419-459-4696.
The “Lighting of the Way to Christmas” memorial program, sponsored by the auxiliary, is planned for Sunday, Dec. 5th at 3:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 402 Broad St., Montpelier.
Master of ceremonies will be Bill Priest, greetings and introductions by Auxiliary President Gloria Poorman, invocation and benediction by Rev. Paul Gruetter of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Montpelier, special music by Kelly Michael, also serving as organist, and memorial message by Rev. Kevin Doseck of St. Paul’s.
The memorial roster of names of loved ones will be read from the dedication list of luminaries and angels. The public is invited and admission is free. Light refreshments will be served in the Disciple Depot fellowship area, adjacent to the sanctuary, following the program.
November birthdays and anniversaries were recognized, along with members with the most grandchildren, members who brought a friend to attend the meeting and the oldest auxiliary member.
The next auxiliary general meeting will be Monday, Dec. 13th luncheon at 12 noon in the Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian Church, Montpelier. Guest speaker will be Daniel Tinch, YMCA Silver Sneakers program. Roll call will be “What is your favorite exercise?”.
Members are asked to bring a Christmas card for the hospital card shower and paper products for the local food pantry.
Reservations should be called in to President Gloria ph: 419-485-5341 by Dec. 6th. Luncheon cost is $10.00 per person, payable at the door.