The Public Speaking CDE (Career Development Event) was held Tuesday evening at Fairview High School. The event is designed to develop leadership and the ability to appear before groups.
The contestants are judged on voice – Quality, pitch, force, articulation, pronunciation; stage presence – Personal appearance, poise and body posture, attitude, confidence, personality, ease before audience; power of expression – Fluency, emphasis, directness, sincerity, communicative ability, conveyance of thought and meaning; general effect and response to questions.
In the Creed Event, Callie Wyse, Evergreen, placed first, Camille Foos, Eastwood, placed second, and Molly Elvey, Evergreen, placed third.
In the Extemporaneous Event, Haley Sponaugle, Eastwood, placed first, Sophie Sterken, Pettisville, placed second, and Kassidy Zientek, Wauseon, placed third.
In the Beginning Prepared Event, Ava Genter, Pettisville, placed first, Cole Bauman, Liberty Center, placed second, Frances Lockyer, Eastwood, placed third and Kennedy Meyer, Tinora, placed fourth.
In the Advanced Prepared Event, Olivia Martin, Genoa, placed first, Cheyenne Zeedyk, Fairview, placed second, and Julia Plassman, Tinora, placed third.
The top two in each event will advance to the state competition on March 2 at Marysville High School.
CDE’s (Career Development Events) are an extension of the local agricultural education classroom and serve as an authentic application of the curriculum in which students are instructed.
Through agricultural education and the FFA, amazing opportunities exist for FFA members. With over 300 careers in agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources, FFA members can look forward to unlimited success.
They are future chemists, business owners, politicians, community leaders, veterinarians, farmers, and teachers. The skills obtained through FFA will serve a student for life.