DISTRICT GOVENOR Pictured from left to right are Stryker Rotary President Bob Seibert Ruth Wieland Bruce Rosebrock District Governor Jim Duke Terry Wieland Judy Keller Steve Planson Fred Grisier and Ron Short
Jim Duke, District Governor District 6600, visited the Stryker Rotary Club at their regular meeting on Tuesday evening. Jim belongs to the Vermilion Rotary Club and has been a member since moving to Vermilion from Toledo. He enjoys living in a small town and was able to meet and become friends with many of the towns people through service project work sponsored by the Rotary Club.
He also shared that his experience visiting clubs was refreshing, discovering Rotary members to be friendly and welcoming.
Jim also discussed a Rotary Action Plan involving four steps; increase your club’s impact through service, expand your clubs reach by working with neighboring clubs on projects, enhance participation by keeping members engaged, and work to adapt to the changing world.
He also commented on membership, emphasizing the importance of bringing new members in. District 6600 has reduced membership over the last 20 years by 2,000 members.
Set goals to add new members each year and keep your current members engaged to insure they continue their membership. Jim also discussed succession planning for officers of the club and suggested that a two-year plan provides time for incoming officers to prepare for the transition and set accomplishment goals for their term.
Jim also found gifts to the Rotary Foundation a fantastic value because many of the dollars the foundation receives are sent back to the clubs. Gifts last year totaling $62,500 will mostly be given back to the clubs assisting with project costs.
He also encouraged the club to consider projects that assisted in improving our environment. Jim ended his discussion with club members on the topic of mental health, and the importance of maintaining a balance in your lives.
Post COVID has proven to be a time when depression is increasing so taking steps to ward off depression will improve your quality of life as well as those who are around you. Jim also congratulated the Stryker Rotary Club as 2024 denotes 75 years of service.