DONATION Recently the Edgerton Knights of Columbus 1494 presented a generous donation to Never Let Go Ministries The K of C is very supportive of the mission of NLG and shared a portion of the proceeds from their Fish Frys this winter The donation will help NLG to continue their mission of sharing much needed awareness and hope concerning alcohol and substance abuse and how it is affecting our communities Pictured are from left to right Toby Stark District Deputy Victor Juarez Co Founder of NLG and Dan Timbrook Grand Knight NLG 7th Luncheon of Hope will be held on Saturday April 20 from 10 2 at the Edgerton Village Hall gymnasium in Edgerton Ohio There will be personal testimonies speakers a three item ticket raffle and NLG will provide lunch from Subway There will also be local resource tables available with literature to hand out and a representative to talk to It will be a day of Awareness and Hope To make a reservation please call Lisa at 419 212 1155 or NLG at 419 212 2777 A free will donation will be taken at the door