UPCOMING WORK IN THE VILLAGE … Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer, Amanda Knecht – Administrative Assistant council members Chuck Wallace, Sharon Blinzler, and Lance Bowsher listen to upcoming projects in the village.
By: Brianna Balogh
On Wednesday October 18th the Edgerton Village Council met, with the meeting being called to order at 5:30 pm. After the pledge of allegiance and a prayer led by Mayor Day, roll call was taken. All council members were present, Leslie VanAusdale, Lance Bowsher, Sharon Blinzler, Jason Gruver, Chuck Wallace and Pam Wampler.
Additional attendees were Mayor Robert Day, Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht, Administrative Assistant Amanda Knecht, and Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles attending remotely via phone.
The approval of the meeting minutes from September 3rd was approved by all members except Wallace who abstained due to being absent from said meeting.
Mayor Day provided an update, first reviewing the Trick or Treat date and adding that a costume contest is in the works with details to follow at the next meeting.
Day also invited all attendees to the mayor’s meeting later that evening at 6:30pm. He noted special guest speaker Brock Mealer. Mealer’s book “Beyond 1%” details his experience after a devastating accident left him with a 1% chance of walking again.
Denise Knecht provided details regarding the fiscal reports. Knecht circulated the credit card statements form 8/16 through 9/15 to be reviewed. The Ballot language for the cemetery levy, which has been approved by the board of elections, is in review with the village law director.
Headway is being made on the budget with continued meetings, but there still is a lot of work to be done. Finishing the fiscal report, the bills list motion was approved by all council members.
The police chief was not present at the slotted time of the update but arrived shortly after. Mayor Day confirmed that there were no pressing updates from the police department before continuing the meeting.
Business moved onto resolutions, ordinances and motions. The motion to approve Records Retention policy as adopted by Ohio History Connection was explained by the village administrator.
The policy update is required in order to be in compliance with Ohio Public Records and deals mainly with body cams that the police department will be implementing in the coming weeks. The motion was approved by all council members and will now be reviewed by the records commission.
The next motion was the approval of the resignation of a Parks/Street Department employee. Nicholas Lloyd has been with the village for almost two years.
In that time, he saved the village a lot of money by rewiring lift stations and his work in the water treatment plan. Fitzcharles stated, “We’re really going to miss him.”
LLoyd wanted to personally thank the council, coworkers and the community. In accordance with this resignation, a motion to advertise for the open position was introduced as well. Both motions were passed, and Lloyd’s resignation will be effective October 4th.
Resolution No 2024-014 was discussed for approval. Explained by Fitzcharles, this motion would allow for the village administrator to enter into and execute a preliminary consent agreement with ODOT for ODOT PID:95790. 2 projects were outlined.
The first being a sidewalk and safe route to school project, expected to be completed in 2026. The second project will be paving and resurfacing both US 6 and State Route 49.
This project would also include improvements for pedestrian safety on State Route 49. The project is estimated to be awarded on April 29th with completion slated for October 21st, 2025.
In this legislation the village would assume 100% of the cost of requested features that would be deemed unnecessary. Currently there are no such features identified. As an example, in a past project on US 6 a catch basin and sewer tile collapsed.
In this event the village would be responsible for that cost. Bowsher commented on the past situation, stating that the relationship with ODOT really helped and that they went over and above. VanAusdale introduced the motion and Wampler seconded with all other members approving.
Fitzcharles informed the council of a water valve leak around Gas Street. She assured the crews were on site and working to resolve the issue.
Mayor Day relayed that the county fire chiefs had requested a campfire and open burn ban due to the dry conditions. He then opened the floor to council discussions.
Firstly, Wallace spoke about the cemetery and the fact that they would be losing a caretaker for 2-3 months. He asked for patience and understanding as they will be short staffed.
Blinzler inquired about a hickory nut tree removal that is causing a safety hazard on the sidewalk. Mayor Day advised that the tree commission would be able to provide more information on this.
Prior to adjourning, Gruver reiterated his appreciation for Nicholas Lloyd and wished him well in the future. The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 pm. The next meeting will be held Wednesday October 2nd at 5:30pm.