VILLAGE BUSINESS … Pictured are Solicitor Tom Thompson, Mayor Duane Thiel, and council member Lee Lawrence.
By: Brianna Balogh
The Edon Village Council meeting was held on Monday September 16th. Beginning promptly at 7pm, the pledge was recited, and roll call was taken by Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell.
In attendance was Mayor Duane Thiel, Dan Ankney, Lee Lawrence, Dave Loughborough, Village Administrator Chad Ordway, Jeff Pease, Austin Thiel, Solicitor Tom Thompson, Brian Shaffer and Police Chief Tom Szymczak.
First on the agenda was approval of the minutes from the previous meeting, and the approval of the financial report and bills. Both motions were approved by all council members. The fiscal officer provided a short update reiterating the October 19th big trash pickup.
Police Chief Szymczak provided several updates, including confirmation of continued police presence at home football games.
He discussed the difficult situation faced by police and school staff last week, noting that he was able to assist remotely. He praised all involved for working together, especially a fellow officer who stepped up in his absence and the school staff.
He shared that he and his wife attended a first responder retreat focusing on mental health in Dublin Ohio over the weekend. Firearms qualifications started on Saturday. Two officers have completed annual qualifications with more to follow. Szymczak stated he was invited as a speaker for critical incident training on September 30th.
With no safety update, Lee Lawrence shared that the council received a donation of $4,500 from the Edon Area Foundation. These funds will be used to provide handicap accessible picnic tables for the community.
A short finance update was provided, simply stating that a budget meeting was to be set to discuss raise caps. This was discussed at the end of the council meeting and set for October 10th at 5pm.
The village administrator shared EPA inspection results stating that 3 violations were cited, all regarding policy updates. Those policies have been corrected and will be sent out to the EPA later this week.
It was also reported that after the risk insurance company assessment, they requested some policies to be drafted mainly concerning cyber security. Mr. Ordway stated these should be ready to be approved next month.
Next on the meeting agenda was the Edon Schools SRO position. With the school still waiting for a response from legal, Lawrence introduced a motion to table for 30 days. Ankney seconded the motion with all other members approving.
For new business, Trick or Treat date was discussed. Dave Loughborough suggested Saturday October 26th. A time was suggested from 5pm-7pm, as that is the time frame used in prior years. The date and time were approved by all council members.
An issue regarding LED signs was raised by Mr. Lawrence, after learning of possible plans for a sign at the library. Chief Szymczak believes that this is not against Ohio law, but ordinance related and currently only government organizations, such as the fire department or library, are exempt from the ordinance.
Mr. Lawrence feels this is something the zoning committee could discuss as other businesses may want the opportunity to use LED signs as well.
Prior to adjournment, there was a brief reminder for members to complete fraud training. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17pm with no need for an executive session. The next Edon Village Council meeting will take place on October 21st.