With the completion of their Organizational Meeting, Edon Northwest Local Board of Education convened for its first regular monthly session of 2016 in the school’s Media Center. President Jamie Schaffter called the meeting to order with newly-elected members ~ Cody Best, Erin Nester ~ and returning members ~ Aaron Hake, Dave Wehrle ~ in attendance.
In addition to addressing routine items that evening, administrators highlighted their January Reports to the Board as well:
Superintendent John Granger
•Offered special thanks to Chief Tom Szymczak and the Edon Police Department for assisting with visitor parking during Grandparent’s Day and student Christmas program events; thanks were also extended to the Village of Edon for allowing Chief Szymczak to be part of the school system.
•Noted next month he will present a plan for allowing community usage of the Weight Room with appropriate supervision; he will also attend the Ohio Association of Local School Superintendent’s Conference January 11-13 in Columbus.
•Shared at this time, he would not be recommending renewal of the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Services Agreement for 2016 Board Policy Revisions; he requests the District consider switching to NEOLA Board Policy Services.
Grades 7-12 Principal Anthony Stevens
•Noted a student schedule survey for the upcoming academic year was initiated, for the first time, before winter break. Usually without a lot of specific student information (i.e. interests, possible plans, etc.), schedules are set for students to make course selections. It is hoped this new guiding tool identifies trends that would allow the scheduling process to run more smoothly.
•Shared the possibility of extending Family and Consumer Sciences courses for grades 7-12 as one area being explored; reintroducing FCS classes during 2015-2016 has generated a lot of positive feedback. Expanding Advanced Placement and elective offerings are being looked at as well.
•Congratulated Edon FFA Novice Parliamentary Procedure Team on their state-qualifying Second Place District 1 honor and Third Place State award as well as the Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Team on their Fifth Place District 1 honor. Thanks were extended to Advisor Hannah Everetts for the wonderful work she’s done in preparing both Parli Pro teams for competition; they represented the school very well.
KK-6 Grade Principal Michelle Molargik
•Congratulated December’s Bomber Courtesy Club members.
•Noted third grade English Language Arts assessment results will be released January 29; students not scoring proficient will have additional opportunities to try again in the spring and summer. Additionally, teachers are preparing for grades 3-6 after-school-intervention programs to be offered before April’s testing dates.
•Shared KK-Grade Six “Grandfriends Day” went very smoothly; approximately three hundred sixty guests attended the event.
•Spoke about current plans to expand the five-week Summer Intervention Program to now include incoming first graders through grade six. Transportation and other program costs would be funded with federal monies from the U.S. Department of Education’s REAP (Rural Education Achievement Program) initiative.

In other action, the Board:
•Commended November 2015 High School Student of the Month, sophomore Justin Shaw and November 2015 Junior High Student of the Month, eighth grader Ashlynne Shaw.
•Commended December 2015 High School Student of the Month, senior Kaela Gearhart and December 2015 Junior High Student of the Month, eighth grader Riley Bloir.
•Accepted, with thanks, Cash Donations during December from Jacque Radabaugh ($120/Butterfly Project); Various Individuals/Businesses ($1730/Music Department’s Washington DC Trip) and Anonymous ($30,000/Weight Room Fund).
•Approved the recommendation to set the District’s substitute teacher rate at ninety dollars ($90) per day. (Up from seventy-five dollars, the pay scale is now more closely aligned with other area districts.)
•Was presented the proposed 2016-2017 School Calendar for adoption at next month’s meeting; state law requires the calendar be presented thirty days prior to board approval. (The calendar offered is similar to the previous year with regards to vacations i.e. Spring Break, Christmas Break, Thanksgiving, etc.).
•Approved 2015-2016 supplemental contracts with Terry Whitney (High School Boys Track Coach) and Jan Sonneberger (High School Girls Track Coach).

•Accepted the resignation of William Blakely, District Treasurer/CFO effective December 31, 2015.
•Approved the agreement with Northern Buckeye Education Council (NBEC) to provide fiscal services (Interim Treasurer) until Mrs. Deb Nester acquires her Treasurer’s License. (Services estimated at one day per week over the next six to eight weeks.)
•Approved creating a separate Weight Room Fund; current balance is fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000/two single gifts from one anonymous donor).
•Were provided the 2015 NBEC Salary Study to peruse.
•Approved minutes of the regular meeting held Tuesday, December 8; December 2015 Financial Reports will formally be approved next month.
Prior to adjournment, members voted to enter into Executive Session for the expressed purpose of discussing employment of personnel and negotiations (preparing, conducting or reviewing); no action would be taken.

The Edon Northwest Local Board of Education will next meet Tuesday, February 9, 2016 in the Edon Schools Media Center beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Lucinda Held-Faulhaber
May be reached at